Project description:Changes in bacterial communities and functions associated with litter degradation during forest succession caused by forest disease.
| PRJNA867524 | ENA
Project description:Changes in bacterial communities and functions associated with litter degradation during forest succession caused by forest disease
Project description:Arsenic (As) bioavailability in the rice rhizosphere is influenced by many microbial interactions, particularly by metal-transforming functional groups at the root-soil interface. This study was conducted to examine As-transforming microbes and As-speciation in the rice rhizosphere compartments, in response to two different water management practices (continuous and intermittently flooded), established on fields with high to low soil-As concentration. Microbial functional gene composition in the rhizosphere and root-plaque compartments were characterized using the GeoChip 4.0 microarray. Arsenic speciation and concentrations were analyzed in the rhizosphere soil, root-plaque, porewater and grain samples. Results indicated that intermittent flooding significantly altered As-speciation in the rhizosphere, and reduced methyl-As and AsIII concentrations in the pore water, root-plaque and rice grain. Ordination and taxonomic analysis of detected gene-probes indicated that root-plaque and rhizosphere assembled significantly different metal-transforming functional groups. Taxonomic non-redundancy was evident, suggesting that As-reduction, -oxidation and -methylation processes were performed by different microbial groups. As-transformation was coupled to different biogeochemical cycling processes establishing functional non-redundancy of rice-rhizosphere microbiome in response to both rhizosphere compartmentalization and experimental treatments. This study confirmed diverse As-biotransformation at root-soil interface and provided novel insights on their responses to water management, which can be applied for mitigating As-bioavailability and accumulation in rice grains.
Project description:Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a lethal, soil-borne disease of tomato. Control of the disease with chemicals and crop rotation is insufficient, because the pathogen is particularly well adapted for surviving in the soil and rhizosphere. Therefore, cultivar resistance is the most effective means for controlling bacterial wilt, but the molecular mechanisms of resistance responses remain unclear. We used microarrays to obtain the characteristics of the gene expression changes that are induced by R. solanacearum infection in resistant cultivar LS-89 and susceptible cultivar Ponderosa.
Project description:Forming symbiotic associations with beneficial microbes are important strategies for sessile plants to acquire nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients from the soil. Root exudates play key roles on set-up of the rhizosphere microbiome. According to the needs for nitrogen or phosphorus, plants can adjust the root exudates composition to attract proper microbes. Flavonoids are a group of secondary metabolites that are well studied in shaping the root microbiome, especially the root nodule symbiosis in legumes. Here, we show the medicago truncatula phosphate sensors SPX1 and SPX3 regulate flavonoids biosynthesis to recruit nitrogen-fixing microbes for nitrogen acquisition. Nitrogen-fixing microbes were less recruited in spx1spx3 double mutant root rhizosphere. This was caused by lower flavonoids biosynthesis related genes expression, which resulted in lower flavonoids levels in the root exudates compared to wild type plant R108. Further analysis indicates the regulation of flavonoids biosynthesis is through the SPX1 and SPX3 interaction transcription factor PHR2. We propose the SPX-PHR phosphate homeostasis regulation network also control microbe-dependent nitrogen acquisition according to phosphate levels. Thus, SPX1 and SPX3 play important roles to keep a microbe-dependent nitrogen and phosphorus absorption balance for optimal growth.
Project description:Background: The soil environment is responsible for sustaining most terrestrial plant life on earth, yet we know surprisingly little about the important functions carried out by diverse microbial communities in soil. Soil microbes that inhabit the channels of decaying root systems, the detritusphere, are likely to be essential for plant growth and health, as these channels are the preferred locations of new root growth. Understanding the microbial metagenome of the detritusphere and how it responds to agricultural management such as crop rotations and soil tillage will be vital for improving global food production. Methods: The rhizosphere soils of wheat and chickpea growing under + and - decaying root were collected for metagenomics sequencing. A gene catalogue was established by de novo assembling metagenomic sequencing. Genes abundance was compared between bulk soil and rhizosphere soils under different treatments. Conclusions: The study describes the diversity and functional capacity of a high-quality soil microbial metagenome. The results demonstrate the contribution of the microbiome from decaying root in determining the metagenome of developing root systems, which is fundamental to plant growth, since roots preferentially inhabit previous root channels. Modifications in root microbial function through soil management, can ultimately govern plant health, productivity and food security.
Project description:Advances in DNA sequencing technologies has drastically changed our perception of the structure and complexity of the plant microbiome. By comparison, our ability to accurately identify the metabolically active fraction of soil microbiota and its specific functional role in augmenting plant health is relatively limited. Here, we combined our recently developed protein extraction method and an iterative bioinformatics pipeline to enable the capture and identification of extracellular proteins (metaexoproteomics) synthesised in the rhizosphere of Brassica spp. We first validated our method in the laboratory by successfully identifying proteins related to a host plant (Brassica rapa) and its bacterial inoculant, Pseudomonas putida BIRD-1. This identified numerous rhizosphere specific proteins linked to the acquisition of plant-derived nutrients in P. putida. Next, we analysed natural field-soil microbial communities associated with Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape). By combining metagenomics with metaexoproteomics, 1882 proteins were identified across bulk and rhizosphere samples. Meta-exoproteomics identified a clear shift (p<0.001) in the metabolically active fraction of the soil microbiota responding to the presence of B. napus roots that was not apparent in the composition of the total microbial community (metagenome). This metabolic shift was associated with the stimulation of rhizosphere-specialised bacteria, such as Gammaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Flavobacteriia and the upregulation of plant beneficial functions related to phosphorus and nitrogen mineralisation. Together, our metaproteomic assessment of the ‘active’ plant microbiome at the field-scale demonstrates the importance of moving past a genomic assessment of the plant microbiome in order to determine ecologically important plant-microbe interactions underpinning plant health.
Project description:Advances in DNA sequencing technologies has drastically changed our perception of the structure and complexity of the plant microbiome. By comparison, our ability to accurately identify the metabolically active fraction of soil microbiota and its specific functional role in augmenting plant health is relatively limited. Here, we combined our recently developed protein extraction method and an iterative bioinformatics pipeline to enable the capture and identification of extracellular proteins (metaexoproteomics) synthesised in the rhizosphere of Brassica spp. We first validated our method in the laboratory by successfully identifying proteins related to a host plant (Brassica rapa) and its bacterial inoculant, Pseudomonas putida BIRD-1. This identified numerous rhizosphere specific proteins linked to the acquisition of plant-derived nutrients in P. putida. Next, we analysed natural field-soil microbial communities associated with Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape). By combining metagenomics with metaexoproteomics, 1882 proteins were identified across bulk and rhizosphere samples. Meta-exoproteomics identified a clear shift (p<0.001) in the metabolically active fraction of the soil microbiota responding to the presence of B. napus roots that was not apparent in the composition of the total microbial community (metagenome). This metabolic shift was associated with the stimulation of rhizosphere-specialised bacteria, such as Gammaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Flavobacteriia and the upregulation of plant beneficial functions related to phosphorus and nitrogen mineralisation. Together, our metaproteomic assessment of the ‘active’ plant microbiome at the field-scale demonstrates the importance of moving past a genomic assessment of the plant microbiome in order to determine ecologically important plant-microbe interactions underpinning plant health.
Project description:Advances in DNA sequencing technologies has drastically changed our perception of the structure and complexity of the plant microbiome. By comparison, our ability to accurately identify the metabolically active fraction of soil microbiota and its specific functional role in augmenting plant health is relatively limited. Here, we combined our recently developed protein extraction method and an iterative bioinformatics pipeline to enable the capture and identification of extracellular proteins (metaexoproteomics) synthesised in the rhizosphere of Brassica spp. We first validated our method in the laboratory by successfully identifying proteins related to a host plant (Brassica rapa) and its bacterial inoculant, Pseudomonas putida BIRD-1. This identified numerous rhizosphere specific proteins linked to the acquisition of plant-derived nutrients in P. putida. Next, we analysed natural field-soil microbial communities associated with Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape). By combining metagenomics with metaexoproteomics, 1882 proteins were identified across bulk and rhizosphere samples. Meta-exoproteomics identified a clear shift (p<0.001) in the metabolically active fraction of the soil microbiota responding to the presence of B. napus roots that was not apparent in the composition of the total microbial community (metagenome). This metabolic shift was associated with the stimulation of rhizosphere-specialised bacteria, such as Gammaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Flavobacteriia and the upregulation of plant beneficial functions related to phosphorus and nitrogen mineralisation. Together, our metaproteomic assessment of the ‘active’ plant microbiome at the field-scale demonstrates the importance of moving past a genomic assessment of the plant microbiome in order to determine ecologically important plant-microbe interactions underpinning plant health.
Project description:Understanding the environmental factors that shape microbial communities is crucial, especially in extreme environments, like Antarctica. Two main forces were reported to influence Antarctic soil microbes: birds and plants. Both birds and plants are currently undergoing unprecedented changes in their distribution and abundance due to global warming. However, we need to clearly understand the relationship between plants, birds and soil microorganisms. We therefore collected rhizosphere and bulk soils from six different sampling sites subjected to different levels of bird influence and colonized by Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica in the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. Microarray and qPCR assays targeting 16S rRNA genes of specific taxa were used to assess microbial community structure, composition and abundance and analyzed with a range of soil physico-chemical parameters. The results indicated significant rhizosphere effects in four out of the six sites, including areas with different levels of bird influence. Acidobacteria were significantly more abundant in soils with little bird influence (low nitrogen) and in bulk soil. In contrast, Actinobacteria were significantly more abundant in the rhizosphere of both plant species. At two of the sampling sites under strong bird influence (penguin colonies), Firmicutes were significantly more abundant in D. antarctica rhizosphere but not in C. quitensis rhizosphere. The Firmicutes were also positively and significantly correlated to the nitrogen concentrations in the soil. We conclude that the microbial communities in Antarctic soils are driven both by bird and plants, and that the effect is taxa-specific.