Project description:affy_pop_2011_08 - poplar bent study - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 in absence of mechanical stress - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 after one bending.Species: Populus tremula x Populus alba-- The laboratory previously established a poplar transgenic line overexpressing PtaZFP2 under the control of an estradiol-inducible promoter. - the experiment, conducted on 3-month-old hydroponically-grown poplars, consists in the comparison of WT poplars treated with estradiol and the PtaZFP2-overexpressing line treated with estradiol. We also compared unbent and bent PtaZFP2-overexpressing poplars. The applied strain is quantitatively controlled (Coutand & Moulia, 2000, JExpBot; coutand et al., 2009, Plant Physiology) - 27 arrays - poplar; gene knock in (transgenic)
Project description:affy_pop_2011_08 - poplar estradiol study - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 in absence of mechanical stress - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 after one bending.Species: Populus tremula x Populus alba-The laboratory previously established a poplar transgenic line overexpressing PtaZFP2 under the control of an estradiol-inducible promoter. - the experiment, conducted on 3-month-old hydroponically-grown poplars, consists in the comparison of WT poplars treated with estradiol and the PtaZFP2-overexpressing line treated with estradiol. We also compared unbent and bent PtaZFP2-overexpressing poplars. The applied strain is quantitatively controlled (Coutand & Moulia, 2000, JExpBot; coutand et al., 2009, Plant Physiology)
Project description:The Poplar transcriptome was analyzed in Populus tremulaxPopulus alba clone 717-1B4 control roots and in two poplar lines overexpressing MiSSP7.
Project description:affy_pop_2011_08 - poplar estradiol study - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 in absence of mechanical stress - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 after one bending.Species: Populus tremula x Populus alba-The laboratory previously established a poplar transgenic line overexpressing PtaZFP2 under the control of an estradiol-inducible promoter. - the experiment, conducted on 3-month-old hydroponically-grown poplars, consists in the comparison of WT poplars treated with estradiol and the PtaZFP2-overexpressing line treated with estradiol. We also compared unbent and bent PtaZFP2-overexpressing poplars. The applied strain is quantitatively controlled (Coutand & Moulia, 2000, JExpBot; coutand et al., 2009, Plant Physiology) 9 arrays - poplar; time course
Project description:Global gene expression pattern of phloem and xylem tissue were determined using a Nimblegen microarray based on JGI v1.1 gene models. Xylem tissue from both Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1 and Populus tremula X Populus alba hybrid were used in the study.
Project description:affy_pop_2011_08 - poplar bent study - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 in absence of mechanical stress - genes regulated by PtaZFP2 after one bending.Species: Populus tremula x Populus alba-- The laboratory previously established a poplar transgenic line overexpressing PtaZFP2 under the control of an estradiol-inducible promoter. - the experiment, conducted on 3-month-old hydroponically-grown poplars, consists in the comparison of WT poplars treated with estradiol and the PtaZFP2-overexpressing line treated with estradiol. We also compared unbent and bent PtaZFP2-overexpressing poplars. The applied strain is quantitatively controlled (Coutand & Moulia, 2000, JExpBot; coutand et al., 2009, Plant Physiology) - 27 arrays - poplar; gene knock in (transgenic) 27 samples are wt; for this experiment only the bending comparaison are studied.
Project description:Illumina HiSeq technology was used to generate mRNA profiles from Populus tremula x alba INRA 717-1B4 roots treated with Methyl jasmonate. Samples were harvested after two weeks either from untreated control roots or from Methyl jasmonate treated roots. Paired-end (2X100bp) reads were generated and aligned to the Populus trichocarpa ( using CLC Genomics Workbench 6. mRNA profiles from Populus tremula x alba INRA 717-1B4 roots treated with Methyl jasmonate as well as from control roots were generated by paired-end (2X100bp) Illumina HiSeq sequencing. Four samples were sequenced per lane, two biological replicates per treatment.
Project description:Illumina HiSeq technology was used to generate mRNA profiles from Populus tremula x alba INRA 717-1B4 roots treated with Methyl jasmonate. Samples were harvested after two weeks either from untreated control roots or from Methyl jasmonate treated roots. Paired-end (2X100bp) reads were generated and aligned to the Populus trichocarpa ( using CLC Genomics Workbench 6.
Project description:Global gene expression pattern of phloem and xylem tissue were determined using a Nimblegen microarray based on JGI v1.1 gene models. Xylem tissue from both Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1 and Populus tremula X Populus alba hybrid were used in the study. Xylem tissue: Three biological replicates were hybridized to three arrays Phloem tissue: Two biological replicates were hybridized to two arrays