Project description:Mouse cells harvested from the central nervous system of two different mice injected at post-coital day 9.5 with lentivirus encoding barcodes that allow for clonal tracking and gene expression in single cell RNAseq measurements (TREX, Ratz et al 2022). Cells are isolated from the cortex 14 days after birth and profiled by scRNA-seq using the Smartseq3 method.
Project description:We report genes that are differentially expressed in wild type and nhr-45 mutant C. elegans that were grown in the presence or absence of the mold Penicillium brevicopactum
Project description:Regulatory T (Treg) cells promote recovery from lung injury. Aging imparts cell-autonomous dysfunction to regulatory T cells during recovery from influenza pneumonia.
Project description:Regulatory T (Treg) cells promote recovery from lung injury. Aging imparts cell-autonomous dysfunction to regulatory T cells during recovery from influenza pneumonia.
Project description:Human twin studies have revealed the combined contribution of heritable and non-heritable (environmental) factors in shaping peripheral blood immune system variability. However, the heterogeneity within tissue immune compartments and the contribution of tissue-specific external factors remain unexplored. The human uterus is a tissue under constant regeneration exposed to distinct environmental factors. To assess uterine immune system variation, we have performed a transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of uterine and peripheral blood immune cells in monozygotic twins and longitudinal samples in relation to heritable versus non-heritable factors.
Project description:Human twin studies have revealed the combined contribution of heritable and non-heritable (environmental) factors in shaping peripheral blood immune system variability. However, the heterogeneity within tissue immune compartments and the contribution of tissue-specific external factors remain unexplored. The human uterus is a tissue under constant regeneration exposed to distinct environmental factors. To assess uterine immune system variation, we have performed a transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of uterine and peripheral blood immune cells in monozygotic twins and longitudinal samples in relation to heritable versus non-heritable factors.
Project description:The Tasmanian devil, a marsupial carnivore, is endangered due to the emergence of a clonally transmissible cancer known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD). This fatal cancer is clonally derived and is an allograft transmitted between devils by biting. We performed a large-scale genetic analysis of DFTD with microsatellite genotyping, mitochondrial genome analysis, as well as deep sequencing of the DFTD transcriptome and miRNAs. These studies confirm that DFTD is a monophyletic clonally transmissible tumor, and suggest that the disease is of Schwann cell origin. On the basis of these results we have generated a diagnostic marker for DFTD, and identify a suite of genes of relevance to DFTD pathology and transmission. We provide a genomic dataset for the Tasmanian devil, which is applicable to cancer diagnosis, disease evolution and conservation biology. This submission contains only small RNA sequence data from this study. Small RNA (18 - 24 nt) sequences from 15 Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) tissue samples