Project description:Comparison of gene expression profiles of widespread peanut cultivars for exploring the expression data in pod and leaf with regard to signatures of artificial selection
Project description:Investigation of resistance genes from 36,158 peanut ESTs after salt stress treatment, compared with untreated peanut. Yield some useful insights into salt-mediated signal transduction pathways in peanut.
Project description:Investigation of resistance genes from 36,158 peanut ESTs after cold stress treatment, compared with untreated peanut. Yield some useful insights into cold-mediated signal transduction pathways in peanut.
Project description:Seed expansion in peanut is a complex biological process involving many gene regulatory pathways. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important regulatory roles in plant growth and development, but little is known about their functions during seed expansion, or how they contribute to seed expansion in different peanut lines. We examined seed miRNA expression patterns at 15 and 35 days after flowering ( DAF ) in two peanut 8th generation recombinant inbred lines (RIL8); 8106, a medium-pod variety, and 8107, a super-pod variety. Using high-throughput sequencing, we identified 1082 miRNAs in developing peanut seeds including 434 novel miRNAs. We identified 316 differentially expressed miRNAs by comparing expression levels between the two peanut lines. Interestingly, 24 miRNAs showed contrasting patterns of expression in the two RILs, and 149 miRNAs were expressed predominantly in only one RIL at 35 DAF. Also, potential target genes for some conserved and novel miRNAs were identified by degradome sequencing; target genes were predicted to be involved in auxin mediated signaling pathways and cell division. We validated the expression patterns of some representative miRNAs and 12 target genes by qPCR, and found negative correlations between the expression level of miRNAs and their targets. miR156e, miR159b, miR160a, miR164a, miR166b, miR168a, miR171n, miR172c-5p, and miR319d and their corresponding target genes may play key roles in seed expansion in peanut. The results of our study also provide novel insights into the dynamic changes in miRNAs that occur during peanut seed development, and increase our understanding of miRNA function in seed expansion.
Project description:Comparison of gene expression profiles of widespread peanut cultivars for exploring the expression data in pod and leaf with regard to signatures of artificial selection We investigated the overall expression by hybridizing the microarray (GPL13178) with RNA samples from pods and leaves of five selected representative peanut varieties (Fuhuasheng, Shitouqi, Yueyou116, Shanyou523, and Yueyou7), which were widely cultivated in different periods of the past fifty years in southern China. We used the RNA sample from Yueyou7 pod as a reference for all the pod hybridizations, and used the Yueyou7 leaf sample as a reference for all the leaf hybridizations. Field grown plants under normal irrigation were used for sample collection. Replicates with dye-swap were performed for each genotype.