Project description:This study aimed at exploring the physiological function of mammalian HYPB by means of knockout mouse model. Homogenous disruption of mouse Hypb gene leads to embryonic lethality at E10.5-E11.5. Severe vascular defects were observed in the Hypb-/- embryos, yolk sac and placenta.In the mutant embryo and yolk sac, disorganized and abnormally dilated capillaries cannot be remodeled into large blood vessels or intricate networks. Thus, our results suggest that the mammalian HYPB HMT plays an important role in embryonic vascularization. Keywords: knockout, mouse embryo development, angiogenesis, yolk sac, E9.0, E10.5
Project description:Ribonuclease Inhibitor (RI also known as Rnh1) is a 50 kDa, ubiquitously expressed leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein. It is localized in cytosol and binds to pancreatic-type ribonucleases and inhibit their function. However the entire biological role for Rnh1 is unknown. We generated Rnh1 knock out mice by homologous recombination. Here we studied differential gene expression from wild type (Rnh1 +/+), Heterozygous (Rnh1+/-) and Knock out (Rnh1-/-) yolk sacs isolated from embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). We used microarrays to study global gene expression regulated by Rnh1 in yolk sacs. Total RNA was isolated from E9.5 yolk sacs of Rnh1 Wild type, heterozygous and knock out.
Project description:Rudhira is essential for mouse developmental angiogenesis and tissue morphogenesis. Embryos lacking endothelial rudhira die at mid-gestation with vascular patterning defects. Rudhira mutant yolk sac endothelial cells show slow and random migration. So to identify key signaling pathways perturbed in the absence of rudhira, we undertook whole transcriptome based analysis of gene expression in rudhira null yolk sac and embryo. Transcriptome analysis shows that key mediators of angiogenesis, cell adhesion, migration and extracellular matrix degradation as well as several components of the TGFβ pathway are perturbed in rudhira null mutant yolk sacs at 9.5 dpc. We used two embryo samples ( 2E- wild type; 5E- rudhira mutant). Repetition was done on each sample. We used 4 yolk sac samples (3Y,4Y- wild type; 7Y,8Y-rudhira mutant) for the analysis. Repetition was done on each sample.
Project description:The Krüppel-like factors, KLF1 and KLF2, positively regulate embryonic β-globin expression, and have additional overlapping roles in embryonic (primitive) erythropoiesis. KLF1-/-KLF2-/- double knockout mice are anemic at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) and die by E11.5, in contrast to single knockouts. To investigate the combined roles of KLF1 and KLF2 in primitive erythropoiesis, expression profiling of E9.5 erythroid cells was performed. A limited number of genes had a significantly decreasing trend of expression in wild-type, KLF1-/- and KLF1-/-KLF2-/-. Among these, c-myc emerged as a central node in the most significant gene network. c-myc expression is synergistically regulated by KLF1 and KLF2, and both factors bind the c-myc promoters. To characterize the role of c-myc in primitive erythropoiesis, ablation was performed specifically in mouse embryonic proerythroblast cells. After E9.5, these embryos exhibit an arrest in the normal expansion of circulating red cells and develop anemia analogous to KLF1-/-KLF2-/-. In the absence of c-myc, circulating erythroid cells do not show the normal increase in α- and β-like globin expression, but interestingly, have accelerated erythroid maturation, between E9.5 and E11.5. This study reveals a novel regulatory network by which KLF1 and KLF2 regulate c-myc, to control the primitive erythropoietic program. Timed-pregnant KLF1+/-, KLF1+/- KLF2+/- females were anesthetized and sacrificed. E9.5 yolk sacs were dissected from the embryo, cryoprotected in 20% sucrose in PBS and frozen in OCT media. A small portion of the embryo tail was used for PCR genotyping. Eight micron frozen yolk sac sections were obtained and laser capture microdissection (LCM) was used to isolate primitive erythroid precursors. For each biological replicate, 2 to 4 yolk sacs from 2 different litters were used. Total RNA was isolated from 8 different wild-type, 3 KLF1-/-, 3 KLF1-/- KLF2-/- erythroid samples and hybridized to Affymetrix 430 A 2.0 microarrays.
Project description:E9.5 yolk sacs were collected from wild type (CD1) and Cdx-mutant (DKO) embryos and processed for RNA-sequencing to identify Cdx-dependent changes in gene expression
Project description:Ribonuclease Inhibitor (RI also known as Rnh1) is a 50 kDa, ubiquitously expressed leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein. It is localized in cytosol and binds to pancreatic-type ribonucleases and inhibit their function. However the entire biological role for Rnh1 is unknown. We generated Rnh1 knock out mice by homologous recombination. Here we studied differential gene expression from wild type (Rnh1 +/+), Heterozygous (Rnh1+/-) and Knock out (Rnh1-/-) yolk sacs isolated from embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). We used microarrays to study global gene expression regulated by Rnh1 in yolk sacs.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of 13.5 day mouse embryo forelimbs. Gene expression comparison done between wild type and Chsy-1 gene knockout mice.
Project description:Using classical overexpression/knockout studies, we find that miR-126 regulates the duration of the primitive erythroid program, and confirm this in embryonic miR-126-/- yolk sacs.