Project description:Purpose: To demonstrate Runx2's association with organizing the extracellular matrix in primary chondrocytes. Method: RNA samples were collected from primary chondrocytes of 5-day-old Col2a1-CreERT2;Runx2fl/fl and Runx2fl/fl mice, cultured with or without IL-1beta. Results: Thirty-three genes cultured without IL-1beta and 45 genes with IL-1beta were up- or down-regulated by more than 2-fold in the Runx2 knockout in primary chondrocytes. Conclusions: Genes including collagen fibers were down-regulated in Runx2 cKO primary chondrocytes.
Project description:Purpose: To demonstrate the role of Transcription factor Runx2 in primary chondrocytes with or without IL-1beta. Method: Fragmented DNA samples were collected from primary chondrocytes of 5-day-old Runx2-Biotin-FLAG-tag mice, cultured with or without IL-1beta. Results: More than 20,000 and 10,000 peaks were gained from chondrocytes without and with IL-1beta, resepectively. Conclusions: Runx2 are associated cellular process and extracellular matrics transcription in primary chondrocytes.
Project description:To investigate the function of Myl3 in in primary chondrocytes, we generated Col2a1-Cre: Myl3fl/fl (Myl3-KO) conditional knockout mice.We then performed RNA sequencing analysis with primary chondrocytes from Myl3-KO or control mice.
Project description:To define the effect of SIRT6-mediated transcriptional regulation, RNA-sequencing was conducted on primary human chondrocytes depleted of SIRT6 and compared to cells nucleofected with a scrambled siRNA control (72 hours).
Project description:BBF2H7 (BBF2 human homolog on chromosome 7), an ER-resident basic leucine zipper transcription factor, is activated in response to ER stress and abundantly expresses in chondrocytes. While BBF2H7 is widely expressed in many tissues and organs, the most intense signals were detected in the proliferating zone of the cartilage. We compared gene expressions in primary cultured chondrocytes prepared from rib cartilage between WT and BBF2H7-/- mice at E18.5. Primary cultured chondrocytes were prepared from E18.5 rib cartilage of WT and BBF2H7-/- mice. Chondrocytes were isolated using 0.2% collagenase D (Roche) after adherent connective tissue was removed by 0.2% trypsin (Sigma) and collagenase pretreatment. Isolated chondrocytes were maintained in α-MEM (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FCS and 50 µg/mL ascorbic acid. Adenovirus vectors expressing the mouse p60 BBF2H7 (1-377 aa, BBF-N) were constructed with the AdenoX Expression system (Clontech), according to the manufacturerâs protocol. The cells were infected with adenoviruses 30 h before analysis. We compared gene expressions in primary cultured chondrocytes prepared from rib cartilage between WT and BBF2H7-/- mice at E18.5 using a microarray and various genes associated with protein secretory pathway and ER biogenesis were significantly down-regulated in BBF2H7-/- chondrocytes. We infected primary cultured chondrocytes prepared from BBF2H7-/- mice with adenovirus expressing p60 BBF2H7. Several genes were up-regulated and we picked up them as the direct target of BBF2H7.
Project description:The aim of this study was to characterize the surfaceome of primary equine chondrocytes isolated from healthy joints following exposure to the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1-beta (IL-1β) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). We employed combined methodology that we recently developed for investigating the surfaceome in stem cells. Membrane proteins were isolated using an aminooxy-biotinylation technique and analysed by mass spectrometry using high throughput shotgun proteomics. Amongst the 431 unique cell surface proteins identified, a high percentage of low-abundance proteins, such as ion channels, receptors and transporter molecules were detected. A high number of proteins exhibited different levels of expression following chondrocyte stimulation with pro-inflammatory cytokines. LPR-1, thrombospondin, VDAC1-2 and annexin A1 were chosen for further analysis and validation by western blotting as proteins of special interest. Our results provide, for the first time, a repository for proteomic data on differentially expressed low-abundance membrane proteins on the surface of chondrocytes in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli.
Project description:SP7/Osterix is a transcription factor critical for osteoblast maturation and bone formation. We identidied a missense variant (c.926C>G:p.S309W) in SP7 in a patient with a unique high turnover bone disease. Mice with the corresponding variant similarly showed a complex skeletal phenotype distinct from that of Sp7-null mice. We therefore performed ChIP-Seq in primary chondrocytes to study how the mutation alters the genomic binding of SP7.