Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: methylcytosine ChIP-chip on tiling array Identification of cytosine DNA methylation by methylcytosine immunoprecipitation and whole-genome oligonucleotide tiling microarrays for wildtype Columbia-0.
Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: Illumina high-throughput small RNA sequencing
Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: Illumina high-throughput transcriptome sequencing
Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: Illumina high-throughput bisulfite sequencing Whole genome shotgun bisulfite sequencing of wildtype Arabidopsis plants (Columbia-0), and met1, drm1 drm2 cmt3, and ros1 dml2 dml3 null mutants using the Illumina Genetic Analyzer.
Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: Illumina high-throughput bisulfite sequencing
Project description:Part of a set of highly integrated epigenome maps for Arabidopsis thaliana. Keywords: Illumina high-throughput transcriptome sequencing Transcriptome sequencing of wildtype Arabidopsis plants (Columbia-0), and met1, drm1 drm2 cmt3, and ros1 dml2 dml3 null mutants using the Illumina Genetic Analyzer.