Project description:Over-activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by TCDD in mice leads among other phenotypes to a severe thymic atrophy accompanied by immunosuppression. TCDD causes a block in thymocyte maturation and a preferential emigration of immature CD4-CD8- DN thymocytes (recent thymic emigrants) into the periphery. As part of this study gene expression profiles from DN thymocytes and thymic emigrants were generated from TCDD and solvent control mice Keywords: Affymetrix, TCDD, CD4-CD8- thymocytes, Thymus involution, thymic emigration, Ahr
Project description:Over-activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by TCDD in mice leads among other phenotypes to a severe thymic atrophy accompanied by immunosuppression. TCDD causes a block in thymocyte maturation and a preferential emigration of immature CD4-CD8- DN thymocytes (recent thymic emigrants) into the periphery. As part of this study gene expression profiles from DN thymocytes and thymic emigrants were generated from TCDD and solvent control mice Keywords: Affymetrix, TCDD, CD4-CD8- thymocytes, Thymus involution, thymic emigration, Ahr Female, 6-8 week old C57BL6 mice were i.p. injected with 10 M-BM-5g/kg TCDD. After 5 days mice were anesthezised and FITC injected into their thymi. after 24h mice were sacrificed and CD4-CD8-FITC+ cells isolated from thymus (thymocytes) and spleen (recent thymus emigrants).
Project description:We report the identification of immature thymic CD4(-),CD8(-) double-negative (DN)1e cells with the NKT cell lineage potential. We also analyzed the gene expression profiles of DN1e thymocytes compared with those of mature thymic NKT cell developmental stages termed NKT stage-1, 2, and -3, which are characterized by differential expression levels of NK1.1 and CD44 antigens in C57BL/6J mouse strain.
Project description:T cells develop from progenitors that migrate from the bone marrow into the thymus. Thymocytes are subdivided roughly as being double negative (DN), double positive (DP), or single positive (SP), based on the expression of the CD4 and CD8 coreceptors. The DN stage is heterogeneous and can be subdivided into four distinct subsets in mice based on the expression of CD44 and CD25. In human, three distinct DN stages can be recognized: a CD34+CD38−CD1a− stage that represents the most immature thymic subset and the consecutive CD34+CD38+CD1a− and CD34+CD38+CD1a+ stages. Human DN thymocytes mature via an immature single positive (ISP CD4+) and a DP stage into CD4+ or CD8+ SP T cells that express functional T cell receptors (TCR) and that exit the thymus. In this study, gene expression was measured in each of these nine stages.
Project description:We report the identification of immature thymic CD4(-),CD8(-) double-negative (DN)1e cells with the NKT cell lineage potential. We also analyzed the gene expression profiles of DN1e thymocytes compared with those of mature thymic NKT cell developmental stages termed NKT stage-1, 2, and -3, which are characterized by differential expression levels of NK1.1 and CD44 antigens in C57BL/6 mouse strain. Next generation sequencing of total transcriptomes using total RNA isolated from FACS sorted ex vivo thymic DN1eP (Lin-/CD44+/CD25-/CD24low/CD5+/CD27+/Ly108-/CXCR3+) fraction, and mature thymic alphaGalCer-loaded CD1d dimer+TCRbeta+ NKT cell developmental stage-1 (CD44-/NK1.1-), stage-2 (CD44+/NK1.1-), and stage-3 (CD44+/NK1.1+) cells.
Project description:Effect of an immunosupressive dose of TCDD, a ligand for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, on the gene expression profile of fetal DN thymocytes and thymic emigrants
Project description:T-cell differentiation requires Notch1 signaling. Here we show that an enhancer upstream of Notch1 active in double-negative (DN) thymocytes is responsible for raising Notch1 signaling intra-thymically. This enhancer is required to expand multipotent progenitors intra-thymically while delaying early differentiation until lineage restrictions are established. Early thymic progenitors lacking the enhancer show accelerated differentiation through the DN stages and increased frequency of B-, ILC-, and NK-cell differentiation. Transcription regulators for T-cell lineage restriction and commitment are expressed normally, but ILC- and NK-cell gene expression persists after T-lineage commitment and TCR V-DJ recombination, Cd3 expression and -selection are impaired. This Notch1 enhancer is inactive in double-positive (DP) thymocytes. Its aberrant reactivation at this stage in Ikaros mutants is required for leukemogenesis. Thus, the DN-specific Notch1 enhancer harnesses the regulatory architecture of DN and DP thymocytes to achieve carefully orchestrated changes in Notch1 signaling required for early lineage restrictions and normal T-cell differentiation.
Project description:T cell differentiation requires Notch1 signaling. Here we show that an enhancer upstream of Notch1 active in double-negative (DN) mouse thymocytes is responsible for raising Notch1 signaling intra-thymically. This enhancer is required to expand multipotent progenitors intra-thymically while delaying early differentiation until lineage restrictions are established. Early thymic progenitors lacking the enhancer show accelerated differentiation through the DN stages and increased frequency of B-, ILC-, and NK-cell differentiation. Transcription regulators for T cell lineage restriction and commitment are expressed normally, but ILC- and NK-cell gene expression persists after T cell lineage commitment and TCRb V-DJ recombination, Cd3 expression and b-selection are impaired. This Notch1 enhancer is inactive in double-positive (DP) thymocytes. Its aberrant reactivation at this stage in Ikaros mutants is required for leukemogenesis. Thus, the DN-specific Notch1 enhancer harnesses the regulatory architecture of DN and DP thymocytes to achieve carefully orchestrated changes in Notch1 signaling required for early lineage restrictions and normal T cell differentiation.