Project description:We performed RNA sequencing of Calu-3 cells after treatment with the BET-domain inhibitors JQ-1 and ABBV-744 as well as BRD2 CRISPRi knockdown. We also included CRISPRi knockdown of two other validated hit genes from our screen, COMP and ACE2.
Project description:To nominate identify tissues relevant to the etiology of bone mineral density we generated ATAC-seq in pediatric hMSC-osteoblasts, hFOB 1.19 cells (hFOBs), osteoclasts, and primary chondrocytes. Leveraging the results of this experiment, we designed a CRISPRi screen in hFOBs with scRNA-seq expression read out. The targets selected for the screen were informed by newly generated Capture-C and bulk RNA-seq from hFOBs.
Project description:This dataset examined the epigenetic gene effect on mouse NPCs with Upf2 gene knockout (KO). The sgRNA sequencing results form the epigenetics CRISPRi screen sample are reported.
Project description:To delineate cellular pathways underlying cell growth in the absence of sphingolipid syntehsis, we performed a genome-wide CRISPRi screen to identify genetic modifiers of myriocin sensitivity in human K562 cells.
Project description:A critical goal in functional genomicsis evaluating which non-coding elements contribute togene expression, cellular function, and disease. Functional characterization remains a challenge due to the abundance and complexity of candidate elements. Here, we develop a CRISPRi-based approach for multi-locus screening of putative transcription factor binding sites with a single truncated guide. A truncated guide with hundreds of sequence match sites can reliably disrupt enhancer activity, which expands the targeting scope of CRISPRi while maintaining repressive efficacy. We screen over 13,000 possible CTCF binding sites with 24 guides at 10nucleotides in spacer length. These truncated guides direct CRISPRi-mediated deposition of repressive H3K9me3 marks and disrupt transcription factor binding at most sequence match target sites. This approach is valuable for elucidating functional transcription factor binding motifs or other repeated genomic sequences and is easily implementable with existing tools.