Project description:In order to verify the production of viroid specific small RNAs (vd-sRNA) by viroids upon infecting plants, the tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum cv. Rutgers) were inoculated with Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) variants. After 21-days of post inoculation, total RNA was extracted and subjected for deep-sequencing using Illumina platform. Obtained data was analyzed for the presence of PSTVd specific small RNAs.
Project description:In order to analyze the production of small RNA (sRNA) by viroids upon infecting the plants, the tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum cv. Rutgers) were inoculated with the variants of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). After 21-days of post inoculation, total RNA was extracted and subjected for deep-sequencing using Illumina platform. The primers were trimmed and only 21- to 24-nt long small RNAs were filtered after quality check of the raw data. The filtered 21- to 24-nt was mapped against the genomic and antigenomic strands of the respective PSTVd variants using standard pattern matching algorithm. The profiling of viroid derived sRNA (vd-sRNA) revealed that the viroids are susceptible to host RNA silencing mechanism.
Project description:In order to analyze the production of small RNA (sRNA) by viroids upon infecting the plants, the tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum cv. Rutgers) were inoculated with the variants of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). After 21-days of post inoculation, total RNA was extracted and subjected for deep-sequencing using Illumina platform. The primers were trimmed and only 21- to 24-nt long small RNAs were filtered after quality check of the raw data. The filtered 21- to 24-nt was mapped against the genomic and antigenomic strands of the respective PSTVd variants using standard pattern matching algorithm. The profiling of viroid derived sRNA (vd-sRNA) revealed that the viroids are susceptible to host RNA silencing mechanism. Evaluation of the vd-sRNA production in PSTVd infected tomato plants by high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs.
Project description:We employed microarray analysis to observe dynamic changes of gene expression profiles in response to mild and severe potato spindle tuber (PSTVd) infection in the roots of tomato cv ‘Rutgers’.
Project description:We employed microarray analysis to observe dynamic changes of gene expression profiles in response to mild and severe potato spindle tuber (PSTVd) infection in the leaves of tomato cv ‘Rutgers’.
Project description:In order to compare the small RNA (sRNA) population between the control and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) upon infecting the plants, the tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum cv. Rutgers) were mock inoculated. At 21 dpi,tTotal RNA was extracted and subjected for deep-sequencing using Illumina MiSeq platform. The primers were trimmed and the 21- to 24-nt long small RNA species were filtered after quality check of the raw data.
Project description:Gene expression analysis of chrysanthemum infected with three different viruses including Cucumber mosaic virus, Tomato spotted wilt virus, and Potato virus X have been performed using the chrysanthemum 135K microarray.
Project description:In the present study molecular interactions between potato plants, Colorado potato beetle (CPB) larvae and Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN) were investigated by analyzing gene expression in potato leaves. Grant ID: J4-4165 Slovenian Research Agency ARRS Growth and defense trade-offs in multitrophic interaction between potato and its two major pests Grant ID: P4-0165 Slovenian Research Agency ARRS Biotechnology and Plant Systems Biology