Project description:We characterized the global response of plants carrying a mitochondrial dysfunction induced by the expression of the unedited form of the ATP synthase 9 subunit. The u-ATP9 transgene driven by A9 and Apetala3 promoters induce mitochondrial dysfunction revealed by a decrease in both oxygen uptake and ATP levels, with an increase in ROS and a concomitant oxidative stress response. The transcriptome analysis of young Arabidopsis flowers, validated by RT-PCR and enzymatic or functional tests, show dramatic changes in u-ATP9 plants. Both lines present a modification in the expression of several genes involved in carbon, lipid and cell wall metabolism, suggesting that an important metabolic readjustment occurs in plants with a mitochondrial dysfunction. Interestingly, transcript levels involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, protein synthesis, and degradation are affected. Moreover, several mRNA levels for transcription factors and DNA binding proteins were also changed. Some of them are involved in stress and hormone response, suggesting that several signaling pathways overlap. Indeed, the transcriptome data reveal that the mitochondrial dysfunction dramatically alters genes involved in signaling pathways, including those involved in ethylene, absicic acid and auxin signal transduction. Our data suggest that the mitochondrial dysfunction model used in this rapport may be useful to uncover the retrograde signaling mechanism between the nucleus and mitochondria in plant cells.
Project description:The aim of the experiment was to analyse the modification of the change in expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in the modification of cell wall polysaccharide structure during development.
Project description:Purpose:Comparative transcriptome analyses was applied to characterize gene expression during gametophytic development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods: Leaf and immature floral buds (contain the entire developmental progress, > 0.4 mm long floral buds) were collected, then Separated male and female organs were kept in liquid nitrogen immediately until use. Total RNA was extracted using the TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA). DNase (Promega, USA) was used to remove potential DNA contamination. For the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis Results: In this study, both male and female gametes had much more similarity in gene expression patterns, particularly the genes involved in cell cycle and DNA repair, were enriched during the gametic development stage, but the differentially expressed genes related to DNA repair, recombination pathway and genes in RdDM pathway. Conclusions: Genes encoding proteins associated with the production and modification of pectins and cell wall rearrangements were shown male-preferred implies the dynamic changes of pollen wall during the development of male gametes. The DEGs, related to BR signaling pathway and BR synthesis pathway were highly enriched in developmental female gametes, suggesting that BR played pivotal roles in female gamete development.
Project description:Auxin-independent NAC pathway regulates cell wall metabolism in response to explant-specific wounding during regeneration in Arabidopsis II