Project description:Total RNA was purified from keratinocytes isolated from FFPE arsenic-induced skin lesion samples collected from individuals exposed to high concentrations of arsenic exceeding 50 ppb in drinking water in Murshidibad district of West Bengal, India.
Project description:RNA from stem containing first node and internodes during dough stage was considered for the above purpose. Satabdi, (popularly known as Minikit) most popular cultivar of West Bengal and Palman, another high yielding variety were considered for microarray analysis for comparison to each other. Two rice genotypes were grown in identical conditions (same field with contaminated ground water) to obtain the most meaningful conclusion. Dough stage was considered as variation in arsenic accumulation among the genotypes starts during dough stage to maturity. Plant tissues were collected from stem for transcriptomic analysis as expression profiling of such tissue in response to arsenic would be most useful as arsenic transport/loading in grain was assumed to be controlled by arsenic translocation behavior at inter vascular level or from xylem to phloem. Satabdi accumulates more than twice of arsenic in brown rice (0.346 mg/kg) than that of Palman (0.156 mg/kg) whereas accumulation in straw (2.07 mg/kg) was approximately less than half of the Palman (4.491 mg/kg)
Project description:Talemi2014 - Arsenic toxicity and
detoxification mechanisms in yeast
The model implements arsenite (AsIII)
transport regulation, its distribution within main cellular AsIII
pools and detoxification. The intracellular As pools considered are
free AsIII (AsIIIin), protein-bound AsIII (AsIIIprot), glutathione
conjugated AsIII (AsGS3) and vacuolar sequestered AsIII (vAsGS3).
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical modelling of
arsenic transport, distribution and detoxification processes in
Talemi SR, Jacobson T, Garla V,
Navarrete C, Wagner A, Tamás MJ, Schaber J.
Mol. Microbiol. 2014 Jun; 92(6):
Arsenic has a dual role as causative and curative agent of
human disease. Therefore, there is considerable interest in
elucidating arsenic toxicity and detoxification mechanisms. By
an ensemble modelling approach, we identified a best
parsimonious mathematical model which recapitulates and
predicts intracellular arsenic dynamics for different
conditions and mutants, thereby providing novel insights into
arsenic toxicity and detoxification mechanisms in yeast, which
could partly be confirmed experimentally by dedicated
experiments. Specifically, our analyses suggest that: (i)
arsenic is mainly protein-bound during short-term (acute)
exposure, whereas glutathione-conjugated arsenic dominates
during long-term (chronic) exposure, (ii) arsenic is not stably
retained, but can leave the vacuole via an export mechanism,
and (iii) Fps1 is controlled by Hog1-dependent and
Hog1-independent mechanisms during arsenite stress. Our results
challenge glutathione depletion as a key mechanism for arsenic
toxicity and instead suggest that (iv) increased glutathione
biosynthesis protects the proteome against the damaging effects
of arsenic and that (v) widespread protein inactivation
contributes to the toxicity of this metalloid. Our work in
yeast may prove useful to elucidate similar mechanisms in
higher eukaryotes and have implications for the use of arsenic
in medical therapy.
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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
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Project description:We are investigating the transcriptional response of newborns in response to prenatal arsenic exposure We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression response due to prenatal arsenic exposure Keywords: dose (arsenic)
Project description:Folate deficiency, arsenic exposure, and gamma-IR are known developmental toxicants and have carcinogenic effects. The mechanism by which IR is known, but the effect of arsenic or folate deficiency remains unclear. Their effect may be mediated by epigenetic alterations, leading to miRNA expression changes, and this experiment examined this hypothesis We used microarrays to detail the miRNA expression profiles of TK6 cells treated with 2 uM sodium arsenite for 6 days, folate-deficient media for 6 days, or 2.5 Gy IR exposure either acutely at 4 hours post exposure or long-term at 6 days post exposure, as well as requiste controls, all in biological triplicate. Keywords: exposure differences
Project description:We are investigating the transcriptional response of newborns in response to prenatal arsenic exposure; We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression response due to prenatal arsenic exposure Experiment Overall Design: cord blood was collected at birth from infants whose mothers were exposed or unexposed to arsenic
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of arsenic exposure and non-exposure population and patients with skin leisons. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (HM450K) was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 450,000 CpGs in genomic DNA extracted from blood buffy coat samples. Samples included 66 arsenic exposure individuals, 35 non-exposure individuals and 18 arsenical skin lesion patients.
Project description:Folate deficiency, arsenic exposure, and gamma-IR are known developmental toxicants and have carcinogenic effects. The mechanism by which IR is known, but the effect of arsenic or folate deficiency remains unclear. Their effect may be mediated by epigenetic alterations, leading to miRNA expression changes, and this experiment examined this hypothesis We used microarrays to detail the miRNA expression profiles of TK6 cells treated with 2 uM sodium arsenite for 6 days, folate-deficient media for 6 days, or 2.5 Gy IR exposure either acutely at 4 hours post exposure or long-term at 6 days post exposure, as well as requiste controls, all in biological triplicate. Keywords: exposure differences TK6, were cultured in standard RPMI 1640 (Invitrogen Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) or folate-deficient RPMI 1640 (Invitrogen). Growth media was supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Invitrogen) and 1% penicillin-streptomycin; dialyzed fetal bovine serum (Invitrogen) was added to the folate-deficient medium in order to eliminate folic acid in the serum. For controls, folate-deficiency, arsenic exposure, and 6-day ?-IR exposure groups, 106 cells were diluted into 50ml of appropriate growth media. For the 4-hour post-?-IR exposure group, 107 cells were diluted into 50ml of growth media. For the arsenic exposed group, sodium arsenite was added to the media to a concentration of 2 ?M. For the ?-IR exposure groups, cells were diluted and allowed to incubate for 4 hours prior to irradiation treatment, and were exposed at a dose rate of 86.76 rad/min to a final dose of 2.5 Gy using a Philips MGC-40 X-ray source. Following exposure, cells were returned to the incubator. After fours hours, the short-term post-??-IR exposure group was collected for RNA isolation, as well as a mock (control) group. All experimental and control conditions were performed in triplicate. For all other groups, cells were cultured for 6 days, with the media changed and renewed, with the appropriate treatment, on day 3.