Project description:The Afrikaner population of South Africa are the descendants of European colonists who started to colonize the Cape of Good Hope in the 1600s. In the early days of the colony, mixed unions between European males and non-European females gave rise to admixed children who later became incorporated into either the Afrikaner or the “Coloured" populations of South Africa. Differences in ancestry, social class, culture, sex ratio and geographic structure led to distinct characteristic admixture patterns in the Afrikaner and Coloured populations. The Afrikaner population has a predominant European composition, whereas the Coloured population has more diverse ancestries. Genealogical records previously estimated the contribution of non-Europeans into the Afrikaners to be between 5.5%-7.2%. NB two individuals withdrew consent so this data contains only 75 individuals as compared to the 77 cited in the article.
Project description:Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is an aggressive cancer with one of the highest world incidences in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. Several genome wide studies have been performed on ESCC cohorts from Asian countries, North America, Malawi and other parts of the world but none has been conducted on ESCC tumors from South Africa to date, where the molecular pathology and etiology of this disease remains unclear. We report here tumor associated copy number changes observed in 51 ESCC patients’ samples from the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. We extracted tumor DNA from 51 archived ESCC specimens and interrogated tumor associated DNA copy number changes using Affymetrix® 500K SNP array technology. The Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer (GISTIC) algorithm was applied to identify significant focal regions of gains and losses. Gains of the top recurrent cancer genes were validated by fluorescence in situ hybridization and their protein expression assessed by immunohistochemistry. Twenty-three significant focal gains were identified across samples. Gains involving the CCND1, MYC, EGFR and JAG1 loci recapitulated those described in studies on Asian and Malawian cohorts. The two most significant gains involved the chromosomal sub-bands 3q28, encompassing the TPRG1 gene and 11q13.3 including the CTTN, PPFIA1and SHANK2 genes. There was no significant homozygous loss and the most recurrent hemizygous deletion involved the B3GAT1 gene on chromosome11q25. Focal gains on 11q13.3 in 37% of cases (19/51), consistently involved CTTN and SHANK2 genes. Twelve of these cases (23,5%), had a broader region of gain that also included the CCND1, FGF19, FGF4 and FGF3 genes. SHANK2 and CTTN are co-amplified in several cancers, these proteins interact functionally together and are involved in cell motility. Immunohistochemistry confirmed both Shank2 (79%) and cortactin (69%) protein overexpression in samples with gains of these genes. In contrast, cyclin D1 (65%) was moderately expressed in samples with CCND1 DNA gain. This study reports copy number changes in a South African ESCC cohort and highlights similarities and differences with cohorts from Asia and Malawi. Our results strongly suggest a role for CTTN and SHANK2 in the pathogenesis of ESCC in South Africa.
Project description:The study aimed to define transcriptional signatures for detection of active TB (TB) compared to latent TB infection (LTBI) as well as to other diseases (OD) with similar clinical phenotypes in patients with and without HIV in two African paediatric populations. Transcriptional signatures were identified that distinguished active TB from LTBI, and active TB from other diseases. Children were recruited from Cape Town, South Africa (n=157) and Blantyre, Malawi (n=177) who were either HIV+ or HIV - with either active TB, LTBI or OD. Blood was collected into PAX gene tubes (PreAnalytiX). Total RNA integrity was assessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA). Labeled cRNA was hybridized to Illumina Human HT-12 Beadchips. Data were analysed in R.
Project description:The study aimed to define transcriptional signatures for detection of active TB (TB) compared to latent TB infection (LTBI) as well as to other diseases (OD) with similar clinical phenotypes in patients with and without HIV in two African adult populations. Transcriptional signatures were identified that distinguished active TB from LTBI, active TB from other diseases, and active TB from both LTBI and other diseases in HIV+/- patients. Adults were recruited from Cape Town, South Africa (n=300) and Karonga, Malawi (n=237) who were either HIV+ or HIV - with either active TB, LTBI or OD. Blood was collected into PAX gene tubes (PreAnalytiX). Total RNA integrity was assessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA). Labeled cRNA was hybridized to Illumina Human HT-12 Beadchips. Data were analysed in R.
Project description:Reports that low-intensity microwave radiation can induce heat-shock reporter gene expression in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, have recently been reinterpreted as a subtle thermal effect caused by very slight heating. This study used a microwave exposure system (1.0 GHz, 0.5 W power input; SAR 0.9-3 mW kg-1 for 6-well plates) that minimises the temperature differential between sham and exposed conditions to ≤ 0.1°C. Comparable measurement and simulation studies of SAR distribution within this exposure system are presented. We compared 5 Affymetrix gene-arrays of pooled triplicate RNA populations from sham-exposed L4/adult worms against 5 gene-arrays of pooled RNA from microwave-exposed worms (taken from the same source population in each run). Few genes showed consistent expression changes across all 5 comparisons, and all such expression changes appeared modest after applying standard normalisation procedures (≤ 30% up- or down-regulated). The number of statistically significant differences in gene expression (846) was less than the false-positive rate expected by chance (1131). As one example, an apparent up-regulation of the vit-3 vitellogenin gene by microwave exposure was not mirrored by similar changes affecting the other co-regulated members of the same vit gene family. We conclude that the pattern of gene expression in L4/adult C elegans is not substantially perturbed by low-intensity microwave radiation, and that the minor changes observed in this study may well be explicable as false positives. As a check on the sensitivity of the Affymetrix gene-arrays used, we also compared RNA samples from N2 worms subjected to a sub-heat-shock treatment (28ºC) against controls kept at 26 ºC (but using only 2 gene arrays per condition). After similar normalisation, many more genes (3712) showed substantial expression changes (i.e. > 2-fold at p < 0.05), including a group of six heat-shock genes which were strongly but unexpectedly down-regulated (by > 10-fold). However, further replication and confirmation by real-time RT-PCR would be needed to establish how many of these changes might also be false positives. Experimenter name: Adam Dawe; Experimenter phone: +27 21 959 2364;; Experimenter institute: South African National Bioinformatics Institute; Experimenter address: University of Western Cape, Old Chemistry Building, University of Western Cape, Modderdam Road, Bellville 7530, Capetown; Experimenter zip/postal_code: 7530; Experimenter country: South Africa Experiment Overall Design: 14 samples were used in this experiment