Project description:Understanding the environmental factors that shape microbial communities is crucial, especially in extreme environments, like Antarctica. Two main forces were reported to influence Antarctic soil microbes: birds and plants. Both birds and plants are currently undergoing unprecedented changes in their distribution and abundance due to global warming. However, we need to clearly understand the relationship between plants, birds and soil microorganisms. We therefore collected rhizosphere and bulk soils from six different sampling sites subjected to different levels of bird influence and colonized by Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica in the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. Microarray and qPCR assays targeting 16S rRNA genes of specific taxa were used to assess microbial community structure, composition and abundance and analyzed with a range of soil physico-chemical parameters. The results indicated significant rhizosphere effects in four out of the six sites, including areas with different levels of bird influence. Acidobacteria were significantly more abundant in soils with little bird influence (low nitrogen) and in bulk soil. In contrast, Actinobacteria were significantly more abundant in the rhizosphere of both plant species. At two of the sampling sites under strong bird influence (penguin colonies), Firmicutes were significantly more abundant in D. antarctica rhizosphere but not in C. quitensis rhizosphere. The Firmicutes were also positively and significantly correlated to the nitrogen concentrations in the soil. We conclude that the microbial communities in Antarctic soils are driven both by bird and plants, and that the effect is taxa-specific.
Project description:Plants in their natural and agricultural environments are continuously exposed to a plethora of diverse microorganisms resulting in microbial colonization of plants in the rhizosphere. This process is believed to be accompanied by an intricate network of ongoing simultaneous interactions. In this study, we compared transcriptional patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana roots and shoots in the presence and absence of whole microbial communities extracted from compost soil. The results show a clear growth promoting effect of Arabidopsis shoots in the presence of soil microbes compared to axenically grown plants under identical conditions. Element analyses showed that iron uptake was facilitated by these mixed microbial communities which also lead to transcriptional downregulation of genes required for iron transport. In addition, soil microbial communities suppressed the expression of marker genes involved in oxidative stress/redox signalling, cell wall modification and plant defense. While most previous studies have focussed on individual plant-microbe interactions, our data suggest that multi-species transcriptional profiling, using simultaneous plant and metatranscriptomics coupled to metagenomics may be required to further increase our understanding of the intricate networks underlying plant-microbe interactions in their diverse environments.
Project description:Arsenic (As) bioavailability in the rice rhizosphere is influenced by many microbial interactions, particularly by metal-transforming functional groups at the root-soil interface. This study was conducted to examine As-transforming microbes and As-speciation in the rice rhizosphere compartments, in response to two different water management practices (continuous and intermittently flooded), established on fields with high to low soil-As concentration. Microbial functional gene composition in the rhizosphere and root-plaque compartments were characterized using the GeoChip 4.0 microarray. Arsenic speciation and concentrations were analyzed in the rhizosphere soil, root-plaque, porewater and grain samples. Results indicated that intermittent flooding significantly altered As-speciation in the rhizosphere, and reduced methyl-As and AsIII concentrations in the pore water, root-plaque and rice grain. Ordination and taxonomic analysis of detected gene-probes indicated that root-plaque and rhizosphere assembled significantly different metal-transforming functional groups. Taxonomic non-redundancy was evident, suggesting that As-reduction, -oxidation and -methylation processes were performed by different microbial groups. As-transformation was coupled to different biogeochemical cycling processes establishing functional non-redundancy of rice-rhizosphere microbiome in response to both rhizosphere compartmentalization and experimental treatments. This study confirmed diverse As-biotransformation at root-soil interface and provided novel insights on their responses to water management, which can be applied for mitigating As-bioavailability and accumulation in rice grains.
Project description:Many of the microorganisms that are normally present in the soil, actually inhabit the rhizosphere and interact with plants. Those plant–microorganisms interactions may be beneficial or harmful. Among the first are the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). These soil fungi have been reported to improve plant resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases. On the other hand, soilborne pathogens represent a threat to agriculture generating important yield losses, depending upon the pathogen and the crop. One example is the “Sudden Death Syndrome” (SDS), a severe disease in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) caused by a complex of at least four species of Fusarium sp., among which Fusarium virguliforme and F. tuccumaniae are the most prevalent in Argentina. This study provides, under strict in vitro culture conditions, a global analysis of transcript modifications in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal soybean root associated with F. virguliforme inoculation. Microarray results showed qualitative and quantitative changes in the expression of defense-related genes in mycorrhizal soybean, suggesting that AMF are good candidates for sustainable plant protection against F. virguliforme.
Project description:Microbial communities in the rhizosphere make significant contributions to crop health and nutrient cycling. However, their ability to perform important biogeochemical processes remains uncharacterized. Important functional genes, which characterize the rhizosphere microbial community, were identified to understand metabolic capabilities in the maize rhizosphere using GeoChip 3.0-based functional gene array method. Triplicate samples were taken for both rhizosphere and bulk soil, in which each individual sample was a pool of four plants or soil cores. To determine the abundance of functional genes in the rhizosphere and bulk soils, GeoChip 3.0 was used.
Project description:Microbial communities in the rhizosphere make significant contributions to crop health and nutrient cycling. However, their ability to perform important biogeochemical processes remains uncharacterized. Important functional genes, which characterize the rhizosphere microbial community, were identified to understand metabolic capabilities in the maize rhizosphere using GeoChip 3.0-based functional gene array method. Triplicate samples were taken for both rhizosphere and bulk soil, in which each individual sample was a pool of four plants or soil cores. To determine the abundance of functional genes in the rhizosphere and bulk soils, GeoChip 3.0 was used.
Project description:Plants in their natural and agricultural environments are continuously exposed to a plethora of diverse microorganisms resulting in microbial colonization of plants in the rhizosphere. This process is believed to be accompanied by an intricate network of ongoing simultaneous interactions. In this study, we compared transcriptional patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana roots and shoots in the presence and absence of whole microbial communities extracted from compost soil. The results show a clear growth promoting effect of Arabidopsis shoots in the presence of soil microbes compared to axenically grown plants under identical conditions. Element analyses showed that iron uptake was facilitated by these mixed microbial communities which also lead to transcriptional downregulation of genes required for iron transport. In addition, soil microbial communities suppressed the expression of marker genes involved in oxidative stress/redox signalling, cell wall modification and plant defense. While most previous studies have focussed on individual plant-microbe interactions, our data suggest that multi-species transcriptional profiling, using simultaneous plant and metatranscriptomics coupled to metagenomics may be required to further increase our understanding of the intricate networks underlying plant-microbe interactions in their diverse environments. Four samples were analysed in total. One corresponded to a pooled sample of RNA extracted from root tissues of 60 plants. The other three were biological replicates from shoot tissues, each of which contained 20 plants. Controls were used as reference and corresponded to tissues of plants grown in sterile conditions.