Project description:We use a custom microarray for the crustacean Daphnia pulex to investigate gene expression in males, juvenile females and pregnant females. Keywords: sex-biased, developmental
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25841: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment A GSE25843: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I, M-P GSE25845: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I GSE25850: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment J GSE25851: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment L, K GSE25852: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment B GSE25855: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment A GSE25856: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment C Refer to individual Series
Project description:We report the application of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) on collections of Daphnia pulex individuals representing three major developmental states. This submission comes from a project of Michael Lynch and was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health entitled 'Population Genomics of Daphnia pulex' (Project Number: 1R01GM101672-01A1).
Project description:Daphnia (Daphnia pulex) is a small planktonic crustacean and a key constituent of aquatic ecosystems. It is commonly used as a model organism for studying environmental toxic challenges. In the past decade, a Daphnia genomic information and proteomic dataset has been developed. This dataset has expanded the opportunity to relate toxicological effects with “Daphnia proteomics” as it integrates proteomic knowledge in Daphnia, those approach will provide greater insights for toxicological research. In order to exploit Daphnia for ecotoxicological research, information on the post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins is necessary as this is a critical regulator of biological processes. Acetylation of lysine (Kac) is a reversible and highly regulated PTM that is associated with diverse biological functions. However, a comprehensive description of Kac in Daphnia is not yet available. Here, to understand the cellular distribution of lysine acetylation in Daphnia, we identified 98 acetylation sites in 65 proteins by immunoprecipitation using an anti-acetyllysine antibody and an liquid chromatography system supported by mass spectroscopy. We identified 28 acetylated sites connected with metabolic proteins and 6 acetylated enzymes associated with the TCA cycle in Daphnia. From GO and KEGG enrichment analyses, we showed that Kac in D. pulex is highly enriched in proteins associated with metabolic processes. Our data provide the first global analysis of lysine acetylation in D. pulex. The expanded proteomic dataset will be an important resource for the functional analysis of Kac in D. pulex and it will be nice to have a first step done using a promising future model organism.
Project description:Investigation of gene expression level changes in Daphnia pulex MFP strain between in the presence or absence of Chaoborus kairomone.