Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E (ActE) when grown on different carbon sources. The results of this study demonstrate that ActE upregulates a small number of genes specific for the utilization of the avaliable carbon source. Cellulolytic Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E (ActE), isolated from the pinewood-boring wasp Sirex noctilio, has a genome enriched for biomass utilization. The secreted proteomes obtained from growth on pure polysaccharides catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose, mannan, and xylan with specific activities comparable to Spezyme CP, a commercial cellulase preparation. During reaction of an ActE secretome with cellulose, reducing sugar release was markedly stimulated in the presence of O2. ActE also expresses and secretes an expanded repertoire of enzymes during growth on natural and pre-treated biomass. These results indicate a new microbial contribution to biomass utilization that is widely distributed in natural environments by insects
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E (ActE) when grown on different carbon sources. The results of this study demonstrate that ActE upregulates a small number of genes specific for the utilization of the avaliable carbon source. Cellulolytic Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E (ActE), isolated from the pinewood-boring wasp Sirex noctilio, has a genome enriched for biomass utilization. The secreted proteomes obtained from growth on pure polysaccharides catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose, mannan, and xylan with specific activities comparable to Spezyme CP, a commercial cellulase preparation. During reaction of an ActE secretome with cellulose, reducing sugar release was markedly stimulated in the presence of O2. ActE also expresses and secretes an expanded repertoire of enzymes during growth on natural and pre-treated biomass. These results indicate a new microbial contribution to biomass utilization that is widely distributed in natural environments by insects Streptomyces sp. ActE was grown in minimal medium supplimented with 0.5% carbon source (glucose, sigmacell-20, xylan, chitin, cellobiose, or AFEX). Cells were grown for 7 days and total RNA was extracted from the cell pellet. At least 3 biological replicates were performed for each carbon source (glucose, 3; sigmacell, 3; xylan, 5; chitin, 3; cellobiose 3; AFEX 3). Each biological replicate contained 3 technical replicates. The complete dataset were RMA Background Corrected, quantile normalized, the RMA algorithm was utilized by DNAStar ArrayStar.
Project description:Actinomycete genomes contain a plethora of orphan gene clusters encoding unknown secondary metabolites, and representing a huge unexploited pool of chemical diversity. The explosive increase in genome sequencing and the massive advance of bioinformatic tools have revolutionized the rationale for natural product discovery from actinomycetes. In this context, we applied a genome mining approach to discover a group of unique catecholate-hydroxamate siderophores termed as qinichelins from Streptomyces sp. MBT76. Quantitative proteomics statistically correlated a gene cluster of interest (qch) to its unknown chemotype (qinichelin), after which structural elucidation of isolated qinichelin was assisted by bioinformatics analysis and verified by MS2 and NMR experiments. Strikingly, intertwined functional crosstalk among four separately located gene clusters was implicated in the biosynthesis of qinichelins.
Project description:Streptomyces sp. M7 has demonstrated ability to remove lindane from culture media and soils. In this study, we used MS-based label-free quantitative proteomic to understand lindane degradation and its metabolic context in Streptomyces sp. M7. We identified the proteins involved in the up-stream degradation pathway. Our results demonstrated that mineralization of lindane is feasible since proteins from an unusual down-stream degradation pathway were also identified. Degradative steps were supported by an active catabolism that supplied energy and reducing equivalents in the form of NADPH. This is the first study in which degradation steps of an organochlorine compound and metabolic context are elucidate in a biotechnological genus as Streptomyces. These results serve as basement to study other degradative actinobacteria and to improve the degradation processes of Streptomyces sp. M7.
Project description:This study aimed to investigate the variations in the protein composition of Streptomyces sp. PU10 when cultivated with either Impranil (polyestere-polyurethane) or glucose as the carbon source. We analyzed both the intracellular and extracellular protein fractions to gain insights into the intricate processes involving PU degradation, intermediate metabolic pathways in PU degradation, and the connection between primary and secondary metabolism within Streptomyces sp. PU10.
Project description:To investigate a role of nuclear WASp in T cell development we performed WASp chromatin immunoprecipitation and deep sequencing (ChIP-Seq) in thymocytes and spleen CD4+ T cells. To pre-process raw ChIP-Seq data, the total number of reads were normalized and aligned against the mouse genome. WASp was enriched at transcription start sites of a large number of protein-coding genes. Many of the WASp-enriched genes were associated with RNA Polymerase II-enriched genes and active epigenetic marks of transcription; H3K4m3, H3K9a, H3K27a, and with the epigenetic mark for active enhancers H3K4m1. To study the distribution of overactive WASpI296T in the thymocyte genome and to identify regions enriched in WASpI296T binding, we performed second round of ChIP-Seq analysis using the WASp F-8 antibody. To detect differences in gene enrichment between thymocytes expressing wildtype WASp or WASpI296T, we applied stringent conditions and subtracted common genes between the two samples. Using this approach, we identify 70 WASpI296T-enriched genes. Functional clustering of these genes revealed that WASpI296T was associated with RNA Polymerase II genes in 11 functional groups of genes.thymocytes and spleen CD4+ T cells. WASp was enriched at transcription start sites of a large number of protein-coding genes.
Project description:Metabolomics profile of Streptomyces sp. 11-1-2, a plant pathogen isolated from common scab lesions on potato in Newfoundland, Canada. Positive and negative ionisation mode. The deposition contains RAW and mzXML.
Project description:To determine the global gene occupancy by Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome Protein (WASP) we perform ChIP-seq assay in two lymphoblastoid cell lines. We identify WASP-enriched genes, including several WASP-interaction genes previously reported; in addition, our results suggest the implication of WASP in diverse cellular process