Project description:The Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST array was used to measure differential splicing patterns in archived RNA isolated from 26 of 80 children (11 Rejectors and 15 Non-Rejectors). The exon-level probe summaries reported in this series were computed using the Affymetrix Power Tools (APT) software and 'rma-sketch' normalization method. Keywords: Affymetrix 1.0 ST exon array; exon-level analysis
Project description:The Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST array was used to measure differential splicing patterns in archived RNA isolated from 26 of 80 children (11 Rejectors and 15 Non-Rejectors). The gene-level probe summaries reported in this series were computed using the Affymetrix Power Tools (APT) software and 'rma-sketch' normalization method. Keywords: Affymetrix 1.0 ST exon array; gene-level analysis
Project description:The ACP02 cell line was stablished from a primary diffuse adenocarcinoma (T3N2M0) and AGP01 cell was established from ascitic fluid cells from intestinal gastric adenocarcinoma (T3N2M1). mRNA samples from cell lines were amplified, labeled, and hybridized to the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST array. The chip array data analysis was performed with Partek® software (
Project description:T-cell clones were obtained by limiting dilution culture of PBMC of HTLV-1 carriers. Exon expression profiling was performed using Affymetrix exon array (Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Project description:Control samples used to performed gene expression comparison with breast cancer tissues. mRNA samples from normal breast tissue were amplified, labeled, and hybridized to the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST array. After normalization and analysis of the microarray data using Partek® software (
Project description:T-cell clones were obtained by limiting dilution culture of PBMC of HTLV-1 carriers. Exon expression profiling was performed using Affymetrix exon array (Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Gene version of CEL files 01 to 12 are presented in GSE46518.