Project description:The study of how gene expression in paneth cells changes 3 hours after TNF admistration. We used deep paired-end sequencing to also be able to investigate alternative splicing and non-coding RNA
Project description:We investigated the effect of zinc depletion on the mouse intestine, and specifically on paneth cells. Mice were placed on a zinc depleted diet for 7 weeks after which they were given TNF for 3 hours and the the effects of dietary zinc shortage on paneth cells in TNF context were investigated. A zinc is an essential element for correct paneth cell function and zinc defficiency is a human and animal health problem investigating the PC transcriptom my provide valuable insights into the exact mechanism.
Project description:We aimed to investiagte the protective anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids (dexamethsone, DEX) on paneth cells from mice treated with TNF. TNF treatment causes leaky gut syndrome and paneth cell disfunction. Using pre-treatment with DEX we aim to protect paneth cell against TNF effects
Project description:The study of how gene expression in paneth cells changes 3 hours after TNF admistration in mice were the TNFR1 (P55) genes was deleted in paneth cells using Defa6-cre.
Project description:Mice were given zinc as a salt (ZnSO4; 25 mM) in the drinking water for 7 days, then mice were injected with TNF and sampling was done 3 hours after injection. Expression profiling with RNA-seq was performed on purified paneth cellq to investigate the genome wide effects of zinc supplemenation on the paneth cell gene expression profile in the conext of TNF
Project description:We invstigated the effect of zinc depletion on the mouse intestine, and specifically on paneth cells. Mice ere placed on a zinc depleted diet for 7 weeks after which the the effects of dietary zinc shortage on paneth cells were investigated. A zinc is an essential element for correct paneth cell function and zinc defficiency is a human and animal health problem investigating the PC transcriptom my provide valuable insights into the exact mechanism.
Project description:To investigate the effect of wetern-style diet on Paneth cells, we performed bulk RNAseq on sorted Paneth cells from mice fed for 3 months with western-style diet (NWD1) and control diet (AIN76A)