Project description:The VericiDx cohort is an ongoing clinical trial (241 patients (32.0% self-reported AA) enrolled as of 06/30/2023) with a focus on predicting early acute rejection and renal fibrosis post-transplantation ( NCT04727788).
Project description:The present study investigated whether maternal periodontal disease modifies the microRNA expression profile in adult offspring. *************************************************************** This study was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [grant #2019/04183-9; #2022/08872-6; #2023/03786-7; #2023/12488-0; #2023/01400-4] and CNPq [grant 151151/2023-7], São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The grants #2019/04183-9; #2023/12488-0; #2023/01400-4 and 151151/2023-7 were awarded to the author Maria Sara de Lima Coutinho Mattera. The grant #2022/08872-6 was awarded to Heloisa Macedo Sampaio. The grant #2023/03786-7 was awarded to Gabriele Fernandes Baliero. ***************************************************************
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below to reproduce the data and analyses from Lareau et al. 2023 Nature Genetics
Project description:Salt cress (Eutrema salsugineum, synonymously Thellungiella salsuginea) is an extremophile, a close relative of Arabidopsis. In order to understand the selective mechanisms that shape their complex traits underlying natural variation, we analyzed the physiological and proteomic differences between Shandong (SD) ecotype and Xinjiang (XJ) ecotype.
Project description:MicroRNAs play a vital role in the process of tumorigenesis. To identify and characterize miRNA Expression in renal cell cancer, we performed microarray based screening of miRNA expression profiles in clear cell, papillary type 1 and papillary type 2 renal cell cancer.
Project description:This project is correlating the molecular profiling of renal tumours with multiparametric and 13C-MRI including by 13C-MRSI. .
This dataset contains all the data available for this study on 2023-03-09.