Project description:We use high-density tiling DNA microarray technology to obtain the specific transcriptome-wide response induced by 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) in the eukaryotic model Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Project description:We determined the strand-specific transcriptome of the fission yeast S. pombe under multiple growth conditions using a novel RNA/DNA hybridization mapping (HybMap) technique. HybMap uses an antibody against an RNA/DNA hybrid to detect RNA molecules hybridized to a high density DNA oligonucleotide tiling microarray. HybMap exhibited exceptional dynamic range and reproducibility, and clearly revealed coding, non-coding and structural RNAs, as well as new RNAs conserved in distant yeast species. Virtually the entire euchromatic genome (including intergenics) is transcribed, with heterochromatin dampening intergenic transcription. Transcriptomes of alternative growth conditions reveal changes in both coding and non-coding RNAs. Interestingly, our analysis reveals large numbers of non-coding RNAs, extensive antisense transcription, new properties of antisense transcripts, and induced divergent transcription. Furthermore, HybMap informed the efficiency and locations of RNA splicing genome-wide. Finally, a remarkable feature is observed at heterochromatin boundaries inside centromeres; strand-specific transcription islands around tRNAs. These new features are discussed in terms of organism fitness and transcriptome evolution. Keywords: yeast, gene expression, bioinformatics
Project description:We use high-density tiling DNA microarray technology to obtain the specific transcriptome-wide response induced by 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) in the eukaryotic model Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Schizosaccharomyces pombe cultures with 5FU added to a final concentration of 500 M-NM-<M. Incubation was allowed to proceed for 0, 15, 60 and 240 minutes.Two biological replicates each.
Project description:We determined the strand-specific transcriptome of the fission yeast S. pombe under multiple growth conditions using a novel RNA/DNA hybridization mapping (HybMap) technique. HybMap uses an antibody against an RNA/DNA hybrid to detect RNA molecules hybridized to a high density DNA oligonucleotide tiling microarray. HybMap exhibited exceptional dynamic range and reproducibility, and clearly revealed coding, non-coding and structural RNAs, as well as new RNAs conserved in distant yeast species. Virtually the entire euchromatic genome (including intergenics) is transcribed, with heterochromatin dampening intergenic transcription. Transcriptomes of alternative growth conditions reveal changes in both coding and non-coding RNAs. Interestingly, our analysis reveals large numbers of non-coding RNAs, extensive antisense transcription, new properties of antisense transcripts, and induced divergent transcription. Furthermore, HybMap informed the efficiency and locations of RNA splicing genome-wide. Finally, a remarkable feature is observed at heterochromatin boundaries inside centromeres; strand-specific transcription islands around tRNAs. These new features are discussed in terms of organism fitness and transcriptome evolution. Keywords: yeast, gene expression, bioinformatics The dynamic transcriptome of S.pombe was determined using a whole genome tiling array hybridized to total RNA. Transcripts were detected using an antibody specific to RNA/DNA hybrids. This technique, called HybMap, was used across three different growth conditions (Heat shock, MMS treatment, and minimal media) in addtion to standard conditions. To further understand the transcriptome, we isolated PolyA RNA from S.pombe grown in standard conditions and used the HybMap method. Finally, the transcriptome was compared to Pol II, histone, and H3K36me3 ChIP occupancy. NOTE: Processed microarray data values listed in this repository represent only those probes that align to unique genomic positions. Probes that align to multiple genomic locations (reported in the Platform description) may not have values. Please refer to the web link above for a complete genomic data set.