Project description:Field-selected tolerance to heavy metals has been reported for Orchesella cincta (Arthropoda: Collembola) populations occurring at metal-contaminated mining sites. This tolerance is correlated with heritable increase of metal excretion efficiency; less pronounce cadmium induced growth reduction and, over-expression of the metallothionein gene. We applied transcriptomics to determine differential gene expression caused by this abiotic stress in reference and cadmium tolerant populations. Many cDNAs responded to cadmium exposure in a reference population. Significantly fewer clones were cadmium responsive in tolerant animals. Analysis of variance revealed transcripts that interact between cadmium exposure and population. Hierarchical clustering of these clones revealed two major groups. The first one contained cDNAs that were up regulated by cadmium in the reference culture, but non-responsive or down regulated in tolerant animals. This cluster was also characterized by elevated constitutive expression in the tolerant population. Gene ontology analysis revealed that these cDNAs were involved in structural integrity of the cuticle, anti-microbial defense, calcium-channel blocking, neurotransmitter transport, chromatin remodeling and, endoplasmatic vesicle activity. The second group consisted of cDNAs down regulated in reference animals but not responding or slightly up regulated in tolerant animals. Their functions involved carbohydrate metabolic processes, Ca2+ dependent stress signaling, proteolysis and digestion. The reference population showed a strong signature of stress-induced genome-wide perturbation of gene expression, whereas the tolerant animals maintained normal gene expression upon cadmium exposure. We confirmed the micro-evolutionary processes occurring in soil arthropod populations and suggest a major contribution of gene regulation to the evolution of a stress-adapted phenotype. Orchesella cincta (Collembola) from the laboratory population (LC) at the department of Animal Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam were taken as the reference group. This population originated from a pine forest from the reference area (Roggebotzand, the Netherlands, latitude N = 52 º 34’17’’, longitude E = 5 º 47’56’’) that contains on average < 0.5 μg cadmium per gram litter and humus. Tolerant animals were collected from randomly selected litter samples at two areas of the abandoned, but still heavily polluted lead/zinc mining site of Plombières (Belgium, latitude N = 50˚44’03’’, longitude E = 5˚58’02’’): the locations contain an average cadmium concentration between 10 and 52 μg.g-1 soil (Lock et al. 2003; Sterenborg 2003; Van Straalen et al. 1987). To diminish putative environmental effects from the field the animals were reared in a climate room (20°C, 75% humidity, LD 12 h:12 h) in PVC jars on a moist plaster of Paris layer feeding on algae present on twigs for at least three generations before experimental treatment. Animals were exposed to cadmium (nominal concentration of 112,4 μg cadmium.g-1 dry algae) for 3 days, directly after molting, via algal food. Control groups received the same treatment except that water was spiked into the algal food instead of cadmium solution. The cadmium exposure concentration is two times the no observed effect concentration (NOEC) for reproduction in chronically exposed animals. Total RNA was extracted from times 12 pooled animals per treatment using SV Total RNA Isolation system (Promega) and quantified on a Nanodrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Technologies). Total RNA was visualized on a 1.5% agarose gel to verify its integrity. Each experimental group (pool of 12 animals) was replicated 8 times. Dyes were swapped between biological replicates: 4 Cy-3 labeled replicates and 4 Cy-5 lebeled replicates per experimental group Microarray experiment was designed in a closed loop Lab culture clean vs Cd, Lab culture Cd vs Tolerant culture Cd, Tolerant culture Cd vs Tolerant culture clean, Tolerant culture clean vs lab culture clean
Project description:Microbials cultures isolated from the phycosphere of freshwater green algae.
Bacterial communities originated from Experimental Pond Facility at the The University of Michigan E.S. George Reserve, Pickney, Michigan, USA.
Project description:Different high temperatures adversely affect crop and algal yields with various responses in photosynthetic cells. The list of genes required for thermotolerance remains elusive. Additionally, it is unclear how carbon source availability affects heat responses in plants and algae. We utilized the insertional, indexed, genome-saturating mutant library of the unicellular, eukaryotic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to perform genome-wide, quantitative, pooled screens under moderate (35oC) or acute (40oC) high temperatures with or without organic carbon sources. We identified heat-sensitive mutants based on quantitative growth rates and identified putative heat tolerance genes (HTGs). By triangulating HTGs with heat-induced transcripts or proteins in wildtype cultures and MapMan functional annotations, we present a high/medium-confidence list of 933 Chlamydomonas genes with putative roles in heat tolerance. Triangulated HTGs include those with known thermotolerance roles and novel genes with little or no functional annotation. About 50% of these high-confidence HTGs in Chlamydomonas have orthologs in green lineage organisms, including crop species. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants deficient in the ortholog of a high-confidence Chlamydomonas HTG were also heat sensitive. This work expands our knowledge of heat responses in photosynthetic cells and provides engineering targets to improve thermotolerance in algae and crops.
Project description:Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are complex photosynthetic organisms with a very different evolutionary history to green plants, to which they are only distantly related. These seaweeds are the dominant species in rocky coastal ecosystems and they exhibit many interesting adaptations to these, often harsh, environments. The brown algae are also important because they are one of only a very small number of eukaryotic lineages that have evolved complex multicellularity. This work used whole genome tiling array approach to generate a comprehensive transcriptome map of the filamentous seaweed Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye, a model organism for the brown algae. Keywords: high-resolution tiling array, brown algae, ectocarpus