Project description:This dataset investigates the transcriptional effect of mitochondrial 12S rRNA hypermethylation, both by overexpressing the mitochondrial methyltransferase mtTFB1 in HeLa cells and by using A1555G cybrids, where the 12S rRNA is hypermethylated. HeLa cells overexpressing a methyltransferase-deficient mtTFB1 (mtTFB1[G65A]) and wild-type A1555A cybrids were used as controls.
Project description:This dataset investigates the transcriptional effect of mitochondrial 12S rRNA hypermethylation, both by overexpressing the mitochondrial methyltransferase mtTFB1 in HeLa cells and by using A1555G cybrids, where the 12S rRNA is hypermethylated. HeLa cells overexpressing a methyltransferase-deficient mtTFB1 (mtTFB1[G65A]) and wild-type A1555A cybrids were used as controls. four samples with 12S rRNA hypermethylation (two cell lines, with two biological replicates each) versus four samples with basal 12S rRNA methylation (two cell lines, with two biological replicates each)
Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a powerful tool to dissect global epigenetic landscapes of cells. However, this method usually consumes millions of cells. Here we develop a robust technique for performing ChIP-Seq using as low as 1,000 cells. This method combines a semi-automatic nanoliter ChIP reaction with a carrier-based sequencing library preparation strategy without pre-amplification of the ChIP product. We used this method to investigate the pattern of trimethylation of histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3) of mouse post-implantation epiblast cells at embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5) and showed that it is very similar to that of mEpiSCs. Together with the high similarity between the transcriptomes of EpiSCs and E6.5 epiblast cells, this suggests that EpiSCs is a reliable in vitro model for post-implantation epiblast cells in vivo.