Project description:Zhao et al. Amplification Table 1 This experiment was designed to determine the effects of template switching (TS) primer and the type of columns used in ds cDNA cleanup on the fidelity of the T7 based RNA linear amplification. BC91 total RNA was amplified with or without TS primer and with two different ds cDNA cleanup protocols. Set of arrays organized by shared biological context, such as organism, tumors types, processes, etc. Keywords: Logical Set
Project description:For analysis of mRNA expression levels, total RNA was harvested from each cell-line in replicate with Trizol™ (Thermo scientific). Total RNA was purified using Direct-zol™ columns according to the manufacturers specifications (Zymo Research). For cDNA synthesis 1 μg of total RNA was process as the T12VN-PAT assay (Jänicke et al., RNA 2012), except that this was adapted for multiplexing on the Illumina MiSeq instrument. We refer to this assay as mPAT for multiplexed PAT. The approach is based on a nested-PCR that sequentially incorporates the Illumina platform’s flow-cell specific terminal extensions onto 3’ RACE PCR amplicons. First, cDNA was generated using the anchor primer mPAT Reverse, next this primer and a pool of 50 gene-specific primers were used in 5 cycles of amplification. Each gene-specific primer had a universal 5’ extension (see supplementary file primers) for sequential addition of the 5’ (P5) Illumina elements. These amplicons were then purified using NucleoSpin columns (Macherey-Nagel), and entered into second round amplification using the universal Illumina Rd1 sequencing Primer and TruSeq indexed reverse primers from Illumina. Second round amplification was for 14 cycles. Note, that each experimental condition was amplified separately in the first round with identical primers. In the second round, a different indexing primer was used for each experimental condition. All PCR reactions were pooled and run using the MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 with 300 cycles (i.e. 300 bases of sequencing) according to the manufacturers specifications. Data were analysed using established bioinformatics pipelines (Harrison et al., RNA 2015)
Project description:This dataset investigates the transcriptional effect of mitochondrial 12S rRNA hypermethylation, both by overexpressing the mitochondrial methyltransferase mtTFB1 in HeLa cells and by using A1555G cybrids, where the 12S rRNA is hypermethylated. HeLa cells overexpressing a methyltransferase-deficient mtTFB1 (mtTFB1[G65A]) and wild-type A1555A cybrids were used as controls.
Project description:This dataset investigates the transcriptional effect of mitochondrial 12S rRNA hypermethylation, both by overexpressing the mitochondrial methyltransferase mtTFB1 in HeLa cells and by using A1555G cybrids, where the 12S rRNA is hypermethylated. HeLa cells overexpressing a methyltransferase-deficient mtTFB1 (mtTFB1[G65A]) and wild-type A1555A cybrids were used as controls. four samples with 12S rRNA hypermethylation (two cell lines, with two biological replicates each) versus four samples with basal 12S rRNA methylation (two cell lines, with two biological replicates each)