Project description:This study used the NimbleGen dog whole genome CGH 2.1M tiling array to assay copy number variants in the dog genome in multiple breeds and wolf.
Project description:This study uses a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 23 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf. This study focuses on the use a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip to genotype 1,611 dog CNVs in 23 wolf-like canids (4 purebred dogs, one dingo, 15 gray wolves, one red wolf, one coyote and one golden jackal) to identify CNVs that may have arisen after domestication
Project description:This study used the NimbleGen dog whole genome CGH 2.1M tiling array to assay copy number variants in the dog genome in multiple breeds and wolf. 53 samples of genomic DNA were hybridized to a reference sample. The dataset comprises 2 samples from each of 15 dog breeds, 10 samples from each of 2 dog breeds and 3 samples from gray wolf.
Project description:This study uses a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 23 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf.
Project description:This study centered on using a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 19 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf.
Project description:This study centered on using a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 19 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf. Using computational approaches all segmental duplications were identified in the canFam2 genome of the dog. A custom aCGH chip was then built that densely interrogated these segmental duplications for CNVs in a panel of diverse dog breeds and a single wolf.