Project description:This study was designed to identify the sRNAs in Aphis gossypii (cotton-melon aphid) during Vat-mediated resistance in teraction with melon
Project description:This study was designed to identify the sRNAs in Aphis gossypii (cotton-melon aphid) during Vat-mediated resistance in teraction with melon Methods: Whole insects were collected from susceptible (Vat-) and resistant (Vat+) plants after 48 hours of feeding. Total RNA was extracted from the aphids and enriched for LMW RNA and small RNA libraries were constructed using standard protocols and deep sequenced using Illumina GAII analyzer.
Project description:Gene expression profiles in resistant (cv. Dowling) and susceptible (Williams 82) soybean genotypes [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] were compared at 6 and 12 h with and without aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) infestation using cDNA microarrays consisting of approximately 18,000 soybean-expressed sequence tags. More genes were induced in Dowling than Williams 82 at 6 h after infestation. Genes that were differentially expressed between aphid and control treatments were selected as aphid-response genes. Eighty-four genes showed specific responses in Dowling and included genes related to defense and other processes. Expression of three defense-related genes was examined at 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after infestation in both genotypes by quantitative real-time PCR. The increases in the transcripts of three defense-related genes were earlier and stronger at 6, 12 and 24 h after infestation in Dowling compared to Williams 82. The differential gene expression between the two genotypes without aphids was determined, and five genes with constitutively higher expression levels were found in Dowling. Keywords = genomic Keywords = Defense Responses Keywords = plant Keywords = DNA-binding protein Keywords = PR proteins Keywords = plant resistance Keywords = signal transduction keywords = insect Keywords: susceptible vs resistant