Project description:We report the application of methylacytosine immunoprecipetation combined with Illumina sequencing (MeDIP-seq) for high-throughput profiling of DNA methylation in rice embryo 3, 6, 9 DAP and endosperm 2, 3, 6, 9 DAP. A total number of 12-14 million of 2×49 bp paired-end reads was generated for each sample, and BOWTIE2 was used for read mapping. We generated genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of rice embryo and endosperm. This study provides a framework to systemically characterize the effect of DNA methylation in developing seeds and will help to illustrate the epigenetic regulation of rice seed development. Rice embryo and endosperm were selected for DNA extraction and methylacytosine immunoprecipetation combined with Illumina sequencing. We sought to obtain the genome-wide DNA methylation profilings of embryo at 3,6,9 days after pollination(DAP) and endosperm at 2,3,6,9 DAP. To that end, we hand-selected embryo at 3,6,9 DAP and endosperm at 2,3,6,9 DAP according to morphological criteria.
Project description:Knock down of CLSY3 in rice caused endosperm development defects. We investigated the molecular effects of loss of CLSY3 in rice endosperm by profiling sRNA and mRNA transcriptomes .These analyses revealed the roles of CLSY3 in Endosperm development.
Project description:Knock down of CLSY3 in rice caused endosperm development defects. We investigated the molecular effects of loss of CLSY3 in rice endosperm by profiling sRNA, targeted bisulfite PCR,whole genome bisulfite sequencing and mRNA transcriptomes .These analyses revealed the roles of CLSY3 in Endosperm
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE26840: Express data from rice endosperm GSE27048: Genome-wide maps of chromatin state in rice endosperm Refer to individual Series
Project description:We report the application of single-molecule-based sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of histone H3 trimethylation in rice endosperm. By obtaining about four hundred million bases of sequence from rice chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA, we generated genome-wide chromatin-state maps of rice endosperm. We find that the presence of H3K27me3 in either upstream or downstream of a gene is predominately associated with repression of the gene, while its absence is mainly associated with high gene expression. Examination of Histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation in rice endosperm.
Project description:Cytosine methylation silences transposable elements in plants, vertebrates and fungi, but also regulates gene expression1. Plant methylation is catalyzed by three families of enzymes, each with a preferred sequence context: CG, CHG (H = A, C or T) and CHH, with CHH methylation targeted by the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway2. Arabidopsis thaliana endosperm, a placenta-like tissue that nourishes the embryo, is globally hypomethylated in the CG context while retaining high non-CG methylation3. Global methylation dynamics in seeds of cereal crops that provide the bulk of human nutrition remain unknown. Here we show that rice endosperm DNA is hypomethylated in all sequence contexts. Non-CG methylation is reduced evenly across the genome, while CG hypomethylation is localized. CHH methylation of small transposable elements is increased in embryos, suggesting that endosperm demethylation enhances transposon silencing. Genes preferentially expressed in endosperm, including those coding for major storage proteins and starch synthesizing enzymes, are frequently hypomethylated in endosperm, indicating that DNA methylation is a crucial regulator of rice endosperm biogenesis. Our data demonstrate that genome-wide reshaping of seed DNA methylation is conserved among angiosperms and has a profound effect on gene expression in cereal crops. Keywords: Epigenetics Examination of DNA methylation in rice
Project description:Knock down of CLSY3 in rice caused endosperm development defects. We investigated the molecular effects of loss of CLSY3 in rice endosperm by profiling sRNA and mRNA transcriptomes .These analyses revealed the roles of CLSY3 in Endosperm development.
Project description:Knock down of CLSY3 in rice caused endosperm development defects. We investigated the molecular effects of loss of CLSY3 in rice endosperm by profiling sRNA, targeted bisulfite PCR and mRNA transcriptomes .These analyses revealed the roles of CLSY3 in Endosperm
Project description:Knock down of CLSY3 in rice caused endosperm development defects. We investigated the molecular effects of loss of CLSY3 in rice endosperm by profiling sRNA, targeted bisulfite PCR,whole genome bisulfite sequencing and mRNA transcriptomes .These analyses revealed the roles of CLSY3 in Endosperm