Project description:Using a human-hamster radiation hybrid panel (G3), we have mapped loci regulating gene expression due to copy number increase. Copy number from radiation hybrid clones were measured relative to the A23 hamster recipient line. Expression from 79 radiation hybrid clones were measured in duplicate and compared to expression of the A23 hamster recipient line (GA_illumina_expression1 and GA_illumina_expression2). Expression of liver, kidney and heart from human and hamster are also included (GA_illumina_expression_R).
Project description:Genomic DNA was extracted from human islets using Dneasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN) with RNase A treatment. 200-500ng DNA was genotyped using InfiniumOmni2-5-8v Genotyping BeadChips (Illumina).DNA was isolated from human islet cells from various donors. DNA was genotyped using Illumina Infinium whole-genome genotyping array. Genotypes were called with GenomeStudio (v.2.0.4) using default settings. Genotypes that passed quality filters (missing<0.05, minor allele frequency (MAF>0.01), non-ambiguous alleles defined by AT/GC variants with MAF>40%) were exported.
Project description:Data from the VLA lyssavirus genotyping microarray. The array platform for this data is GEO accession GPL8066, and consists of 624 oligos representing two viral families. The data set itself consists of 14 arrays, 7 hybridised with RNA from mice brains infected with 7 genotypes of lyssaviruses, 1 hybridised with RNA from normal mouse brain, and 6 hybridised with RNA from coded samples consisting of infected mouse brains or control mouse brains. Keywords: Lyssavirus genotyping microarray
Project description:477 spring-type Brassica napus (canola) lines from a hybrid breeding programme were genotyped using the Brassica Infinium™ 60k genotyping array.