Project description:Zmpste24 is a metalloproteinase processing prelamin A into mature lamin A, a nuclear structure protein. Zmpste24-/- mice which accumulate prelamin A in cells recapitulate accelerated aging phenotypes observed in human premature aging disorder, Hutchinson Gilford progeria sydrome (HGPS). Zmpste24-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibited genomic instabiliy and accelerated aging at cellular level, which is premature senescence. We performed microarray analysis on Zmpste24-/- MEFs, compared to wild-type littermates' MEFs, at an early passage (P3), which is a pre-symptom stage before cellular senescence occurs in the mutant MEFs, in order to examine gene expression profile and figure out the underneath mechanism triggering the premature aging process.
Project description:Zmpste24 is a metalloproteinase processing prelamin A into mature lamin A, a nuclear structure protein. Zmpste24-/- mice which accumulate prelamin A in cells recapitulate accelerated aging phenotypes observed in human premature aging disorder, Hutchinson Gilford progeria sydrome (HGPS). Zmpste24-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibited genomic instabiliy and accelerated aging at cellular level, which is premature senescence. We performed microarray analysis on Zmpste24-/- MEFs, compared to wild-type littermates' MEFs, at an early passage (P3), which is a pre-symptom stage before cellular senescence occurs in the mutant MEFs, in order to examine gene expression profile and figure out the underneath mechanism triggering the premature aging process. Early passage wild-type and Zmpste24-/- MEFs were collected for RNA extraction, the quality of RNAs were determinded by Electrophoresis Assay (2100 Bioanalyzer, Agilent) and RNA extractions were used for hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:We compared microRNA (miRNA) expression in Ercc1-/- primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and wild-type (WT) MEFs in 20% O2 and 3% O2 growth conditions to identify miRNAs that drive cellular senescence. MicroRNA expression in WT and Erccc1-/- MEFs was measured at passage 3 and passage 7 after growth in 20% and 3% O2. Two independent experiments were performed for each growth condition.
Project description:Tgif1 is a transcriptional corepressor that limits TGFβ responsive gene expression. TGFβ signaling has antiproliferative effects in several cell types, generally resulting in a G1 arrest. Mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) are primary cells with limited life-span, that senesce after several passages in culture. We compared expression profiles of primary MEFs lacking Tgif1 with wild types at passage three, and with wild type MEFs at passage 5, to identify changes in gene expression due to loss of Tgif1 and due to increasing passage number.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of RNAs extracted from early passage and late passage (immortalized) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) We compared the gene expression profiles of early (p.6-7) and immortalized (p.28-33) Smurf2KO cells to those of their wild-type counter parts, and selected the genes that were differentially expressed at a cut-off of 1.54 folds in both B6 and BL backgrounds. The results showed a progressive increase in differential gene activities with the number of cell passages. We detected 101 differentially expressed genes in the early passage and 668 in the immortalized Smurf2KO cells, with 49 in common between these two categories. These data pointed to a global deregulation of gene expression as the cells became immortalized in the absence of Smurf2.
Project description:Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in the frataxin (FXN) gene. In this study, we immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from G127V Fxn mutant mice and compared them to the wild-type (WT) MEFs. Mutant G127V MEFs demonstrated decreased cell proliferation and ATP production, as well as an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production when compared to WT cells. These phenotypes are partially corrected by exogenous expression of frataxin. Surprisingly, extended passaging of immortalized G127V Fxn MEFs improves their proliferation, and alleviates ATP deficiency as well as decreases ROS levels despite persistent frataxin deficiency. We defined gene expression changes associated with phenotypic adaptation of G127V mutant MEFs by comparing transcriptional profiles of early and late passage G127V MEFs with WT cells.
Project description:This project have LC-MSMS analysis results of label free quantitation of N-terminome enrichment of mouse proteome. N-terminal modification of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking Naa10 show negligible difference between wild-type and Naa10 mutant.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of RNAs extracted from early passage and late passage (immortalized) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) We compared the gene expression profiles of early (p.6-7) and immortalized (p.28-33) Smurf2KO cells to those of their wild-type counter parts, and selected the genes that were differentially expressed at a cut-off of 1.54 folds in both B6 and BL backgrounds. The results showed a progressive increase in differential gene activities with the number of cell passages. We detected 101 differentially expressed genes in the early passage and 668 in the immortalized Smurf2KO cells, with 49 in common between these two categories. These data pointed to a global deregulation of gene expression as the cells became immortalized in the absence of Smurf2. We analyzed MEFs from wild type and Smurf2-/- embryos from both C57B6/L (B6) and mixed 129SVJ x NIH Black Swiss (BL) backgrounds using the Affymetrix mouse Exon 1.0 ST platform. No techinical replicates were performed.
Project description:The expression of interferon-related genes was more enhanced in irradiated ATM-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) than in irradiated ATM wild-type MEFs.
Project description:Genetically modified Dino mice were generated with loxP sites flanking the mouse Dino gene. We set out to identify the set of genes regulated by Dino in DNA damaged mouse embryonic fibroblasts using 3' sequencing. Early passage Dino+/+ or Dino loxP/loxP MEFs were treated with 0.2ug/mL doxorubicin prior to addition of Trizol and RNA isolation.