Project description:ETV6-RUNX1 is a first-hit mutation in childhood B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. ETV6-RUNX1 is a fusion protein which inherits the DNA-binding runt domain from RUNX1. Here we performed chromatin precipitation for native RUNX1 and ETV6-RUNX1 using RUNX1 antibodies and specifically for the ETV6-RUNX1 fusion using a V5-tag pull down.
Project description:Intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21 (iAMP21) defines a distinct subgroup of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) shown to have a dismal outcome on standard therapy. For improved diagnosis and prognosis of these patients, the initiating genetic events need to be elucidated. To investigate the genetic basis, the genomes of 94 iAMP21 patients were interrogated by genomic arrays, FISH and MLPA. Detailed mapping of chromosome 21 refined the common region of amplification (CRA) to 5.1 Mb; including the RUNX1 gene, miR-802 and genes mapping to the Down Syndrome Critical Region. Over a quarter of copy number alterations targeted chromosome 21, including telomeric deletions in 88% of patients. Global analysis by genomic arrays identified recurrent abnormalities affecting genes in key pathways. The frequency of these abnormalities were determined by FISH and/or MLPA; IKZF1 (22%), CDKN2A/B (17%), PAX5 (8%), ETV6 (19%) and RB1 (37%). Study of the clonal architecture provided evidence that these abnormalities, and P2RY8-CRLF2, were secondary to chromosome 21 instability. This study provides convincing evidence that chromosome 21 instability is the only abnormality common to all iAMP21 patients and the initiating event is likely hidden within the complex structural rearrangements of this abnormal chromosome. DNA copy number analysis of 17 diagnostic and 1 relapse acute lymphoblastic leukaemia samples was performed using agilent 185K microarrays. These samples were hybridised against gender matched reference DNA.
Project description:PAX5, a transcription factor essential for B-cell development, has been found as a frequent target of abnormalities in B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL) cases, showing point mutations, deletions, as well as translocations with several partner genes. We identified four novel PAX5 fusion partner genes by performing a screening on BCP-ALL cases with 9p rearrangements. Copy Number Variation analysis of translocated samples showed that few significant cooperative genetic lesions are present in addition to the translocation event, suggesting that it might have a primary role in leukemogenesis.
Project description:Deregulated expression of cytokine receptor gene, CRLF2, is involved in lymphoid transformation in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia We report two novel, cryptic chromosomal abnormalities in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL): a translocation, either t(X;14)(p22;q32) or t(Y;14)(p11;q32), in 33 patients and an interstitial deletion, either del(X)(p22.33p22.33) or del(Y)(p11.32p11.32), in 64 patients, involving the pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) of the sex chromosomes. The incidence of these abnormalities was 5% in childhood ALL (0.8% with the translocation, 4.2% with the deletion). Patients with the translocation were older (median age 16 years), whilst the patients with the deletion were younger (median age 4 years). The two abnormalities result in deregulated expression of the cytokine receptor, cytokine receptor-like factor 2, CRLF2 (also known as thymic stromal-derived lymphopoietin receptor, TSLPR). Over-expression of CRLF2 was associated with activation of the JAK-STAT pathway in cell lines and transduced primary B-cell progenitors, sustaining their proliferation and indicating a causal role of CRLF2 over-expression in lymphoid transformation. In Down Syndrome (DS) ALL and two non DS BCP-ALL cell lines, CRLF2 deregulation was associated with mutations of the JAK2 pseudokinase domain suggesting oncogenic cooperation, as well as highlighting a link between non DS ALL and JAK2 mutations. Keyword(s): Global copy number analysis using Agilent oligonucleotide arrays DNA copy number analysis of 16 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia samples (13 diagnostic, 1 diagnostic and relapse pair and 2 cell-lines) was performed using Agilent 244K and 105K custom microarrays. These samples were hybridised against gender matched reference DNA.
Project description:Precursor T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasms are aggressive haematological neoplasm that most often manifest with extensive marrow and blood affectation (T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia or T-ALL) or less commonly as a thymic mass with limited bone marrow infiltration (T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma or T-LBL). Here we show data from small-RNA-Seq in a sample series of T-LBL from Spanish patients.The goal was to determine the levels of expression of coding genes and microRNAs, and to identify all genetic variants including SNVs, indels, and fusion transcripts.
Project description:Precursor T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasms are aggressive haematological neoplasm that most often manifest with extensive marrow and blood affectation (T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia or T-ALL) or less commonly as a thymic mass with limited bone marrow infiltration (T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma or T-LBL). Here we show data from RNA-Seq in a sample series of T-LBL from Spanish patients.The goal was to determine the levels of expression of coding genes and microRNAs, and to identify all genetic variants including SNVs, indels, and fusion transcripts.
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of 48 samples to determine a DNA methylation signature specific to leukaemic bone marrow samples. Matching Leukaemia bone marrow and day 28 remission bone marrow or post induction follow up (follow up up to 2 years post induction) genomic DNA were extracted from archived microscope smear slides from 11 children diagnosed with TEL/AML positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). Unmatched bone marrow samples from an additional 8 children were also analysed. Primary tissue control samples from CD34+ and CD19+ bone marrow from adult and childhood samples as well as model cell lines (cancer and non cancerous) were compared to primary diseased samples. Disease specific DNA methylation changes were identified from these results and then verified using SEQUENOM EpiTYPER. A total of 48 samples were analysed by Infinium DNA methylation analysis. As per manufacturer's protocols. Replicates were performed on one primary tumour sample and one cell line sample.
Project description:Intragenic PAX5 amplification in <1%of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Affymetrix SNP 6.0 array analysis was undertaken in patients who showed amplication of PAX5 by MLPA testing using the P335-IKZF1 MLPA kit (, MRC Holland, The Netherlands)
Project description:Whole transcriptome RNA-seq of pediatric infant (<1year of aget at diagnosis) patients affected by B-cell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL). The aim of the study is to identify fusion gene rearrangements involved in childhood leukemia, using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Project description:Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood cancer, and it has a 5-year survival rate of 85% for European children. But for subsets of patients who fail to respond to standard of care chemotherapeutics, treatment options are limited, and clinical prognosis is poor. To establish a platform and methodology to better characterize ALL subtypes and identify their pharmacologic vulnerabilities, we assembled a biobank of 49 readily available childhood ALL cell lines representing diverse immunotypes and genetic profiles. Using these cell lines, we performed comprehensive multi-omic analyses, providing proteomic, transcriptomic and pharmacoproteomic characterization of childhood ALL. We used this resource to characterize the functional impact of genetic fusions and cellular differentiation states on the proteome. Additionally, we identified a novel drug vulnerability in one of the ALL subtypes. Our results are provided as an interactive online data portal with navigable proteomics, transcriptomics, and drug sensitivity profiles.