Project description:5' RNASeq of mRNA from Shewanella loihica PV-4 grown aerobically in Luria-Bertani broth (LB) and defined lactate minimal medium 5'-end mRNA profiles of mid-log phase bacterial cells growing in LB or lactate medium were generated by next-generation sequencing.
Project description:Although members of the genus Shewanella have common features (e.g., the presence of decaheme c-type cytochromes [c-cyts]), they are widely variable in genetic and physiological features. The present study compared the current-generating ability of S. loihica PV-4 in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with that of well-characterized S. oneidensis MR-1 and examined the roles of c-cyts in extracellular electron transfer. We found that strains PV-4 and MR-1 exhibited notable differences in current-generating mechanisms. While the MR-1 MFCs maintained a constant current density over time, the PV-4 MFCs continued to increase in current density and finally surpassed the MR-1 MFCs. Coulombic efficiencies reached 26% in the PV-4 MFC but 16% in the MR-1 MFCs. Although both organisms produced quinone-like compounds, anode exchange experiments showed that anode-attached cells of PV-4 produced sevenfold more current than planktonic cells in the same chamber, while planktonic cells of MR-1 produced twice the current of the anode-attached cells. Examination of the genome sequence indicated that PV-4 has more c-cyt genes in the metal reductase-containing locus than MR-1. Mutational analysis revealed that PV-4 relied predominantly on a homologue of the decaheme c-cyt MtrC in MR-1 for current generation, even though it also possesses two homologues of the decaheme c-cyt OmcA in MR-1. These results suggest that current generation in a PV-4 MFC is in large part accomplished by anode-attached cells, in which the MtrC homologue constitutes the main path of electrons toward the anode.
Project description:Deep-sea mining may lead to the release of high concentrations of metals into the surrounding seabed, which can disturb important ecosystem functions provided by microbial communities. Among these, the production of N2O and its reduction to N2 is of great relevance since N2O is an important greenhouse gas. Metal impacts on net N2O production by deep-sea bacteria are, however, currently unexplored. Here, we evaluated the effects of cadmium (Cd) on net N2O production by a deep-sea isolate, Shewanella loihica PV-4. We performed a series of Cd exposure incubations in oxic conditions and determined N2O fluxes during induced anoxic conditions, as well as the relative expression of the nitrite reductase gene (nirK), preceding N2O production, and N2O reductase gene (nosZ), responsible for N2O reduction. Net N2O production by S. loihica PV-4 exposed to Cd was strongly inhibited when compared to the control treatment (no metal). Both nirK and nosZ gene expression were inhibited in reactors with Cd, but nirK inhibition was stronger, supporting the lower net N2O production observed with Cd. The Cd inhibition of net N2O production observed in this study poses the question whether other deep-sea bacteria would undergo the same effects. Future studies should address this question as well as its applicability to complex communities and other physicochemical conditions, which remain to be evaluated.
Project description:UnlabelledDetermining the function and regulation of paralogues is important in understanding microbial functional genomics and environmental adaptation. Heme homeostasis is crucial for the survival of environmental microorganisms. Most Shewanella species encode two paralogues of ferrochelatase, the terminal enzyme in the heme biosynthesis pathway. The function and transcriptional regulation of two ferrochelatase genes, hemH1 and hemH2, were investigated in Shewanella loihica PV-4. The disruption of hemH1 but not hemH2 resulted in a significant accumulation of extracellular protoporphyrin IX (PPIX), the precursor to heme, and decreased intracellular heme levels. hemH1 was constitutively expressed, and the expression of hemH2 increased when hemH1 was disrupted. The transcription of hemH1 was regulated by the housekeeping sigma factor RpoD and potentially regulated by OxyR, while hemH2 appeared to be regulated by the oxidative stress-associated sigma factor RpoE2. When an oxidative stress condition was mimicked by adding H2O2 to the medium or exposing the culture to light, PPIX accumulation was suppressed in the ΔhemH1 mutant. Consistently, transcriptome analysis indicated enhanced iron uptake and suppressed heme synthesis in the ΔhemH1 mutant. These data indicate that the two paralogues are functional in the heme synthesis pathway but regulated by environmental conditions, providing insights into the understanding of bacterial response to environmental stresses and a great potential to commercially produce porphyrin compounds.ImportanceShewanella is capable of utilizing a variety of electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration because of the existence of multiple c-type cytochromes in which heme is an essential component. The cytochrome-mediated electron transfer across cellular membranes could potentially be used for biotechnological purposes, such as electricity generation in microbial fuel cells and dye decolorization. However, the mechanism underlying the regulation of biosynthesis of heme and cytochromes is poorly understood. Our study has demonstrated that two ferrochelatase genes involved in heme biosynthesis are differentially regulated in response to environmental stresses, including light and reactive oxygen species. This is an excellent example showing how bacteria have evolved to maintain cellular heme homeostasis. More interestingly, the high yields of extracellular protoporphyrin IX by the Shewanella loihica PV-4 mutants could be utilized for commercial production of this valuable chemical via bacterial fermentation.
Project description:Denitrification and respiratory ammonification are two competing, energy-conserving NO3(-)/NO2(-) reduction pathways that have major biogeochemical consequences for N retention, plant growth and climate. Batch and continuous culture experiments using Shewanella loihica strain PV-4, a bacterium possessing both the denitrification and respiratory ammonification pathways, revealed factors that determine NO3(-)/NO2(-) fate. Denitrification dominated at low carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratios (that is, electron donor-limiting growth conditions), whereas ammonium was the predominant product at high C/N ratios (that is, electron acceptor-limiting growth conditions). pH and temperature also affected NO3(-)/NO2(-) fate, and incubation above pH 7.0 and temperatures of 30 °C favored ammonium formation. Reverse-transcriptase real-time quantitative PCR analyses correlated the phenotypic observations with nirK and nosZ transcript abundances that decreased up to 1600-fold and 27-fold, respectively, under conditions favoring respiratory ammonification. Of the two nrfA genes encoded on the strain PV-4 genome, nrfA0844 transcription decreased only when the chemostat reactor received medium with the lowest C/N ratio of 1.5, whereas nrfA0505 transcription occurred at low levels (≤3.4 × 10(-2) transcripts per cell) under all growth conditions. At intermediate C/N ratios, denitrification and respiratory ammonification occurred concomitantly, and both nrfA0844 (5.5 transcripts per cell) and nirK (0.88 transcripts per cell) were transcribed. Recent findings suggest that organisms with both the denitrification and respiratory ammonification pathways are not uncommon in soil and sediment ecosystems, and strain PV-4 offers a tractable experimental system to explore regulation of dissimilatory NO3(-)/NO2(-) reduction pathways.