Project description:The ability of Entamoeba histolytica to phagocytose host cells correlates to observed virulence in vivo. To better understand the mechanism of phagocytosis we used paramagnetic beads coated with host ligand and sorted trophozoites based on phagocytic ability. Gene expression was then measured in both the sorted phagocytic and non-phagocytic populations using a custom Affymetrix chip for E. histolytica. Feed forward regulation of phagocytosis by Entamoeba histolytica. Infection and Immunity. PMID 23045476
Project description:Differential expression was used to access gene differences after Entamoeba histolytica infection. Entamoeba histolytica is an important diarrheal pathogen worldwide, and induces apoptosis of the intestinal epithelium as part of its disease process. Regenerating (REG) 1 protein is anti-apoptotic. We investigated the involvement of REG 1 in E. histolytica colitis. Colonic biopsy samples were obtained from 8 subjects with acute E. histolytica colitis, and again 60 day later during convalescence. Gene expression in the human colon during acute and convalescent E. histolytica disease was evaluated using microarray and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). REG 1 protein expression was evaluated with immunohistochemistry. The mechanism of REG 1 involvement in E. histolytica disease was subsequently investigated with a mouse model. REG 1A and REG 1B were the most upregulated genes in the human intestine in acute versus convalescent E. histolytica disease (p=0.003 and p=0.006 respectively). PCR confirmed the microarray results (p=<0.001 and p=0.001 respectively). Increased REG 1A and REG 1B protein expression was similarly observed by immunohistochemistry. REG 1 -/-mice were found to be significantly more susceptible to E. histolytica infection than wild type mice.
Project description:Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites epigenetically silenced for ameobapore A (G3 parasites) were additionally silenced for the Rhomboid gene Rom1 (EHI_197460) using the mechanism outlined in Mirelman et al. Parasite. 2008 Sep;15(3):266-74 (PMID 18814693). Rom1 silencing was confirmed by RT-PCR. Gene expression in these parasites was compared to that of the parent G3 strain.
Project description:The enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica have high phagocytic ability. Phagocytosis is also important for the pathogenicity of this parasite; molecular mechanisms of phagocytosis and phagosome maturation is focused. Atg8 is well studied autophagy marker protein. We previously shown that E. histolytica Atg8 translocate to nascent trogosomes and expression silencing of the Atg8 caused retardation of phagosome acidification. To investigate how Atg8 regulates phagosome maturation, here we conducted proteome analysis of phagosomes isolated from an E. histolytica strain in which atg8 gene expression are silenced (atg8 gene silenced, atg8-gs) and its mock control strain (transfected with psAP2-Gunma).
Project description:Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes colitis and liver abscesses. Several Entamoeba species and strains with differing levels of virulence have been identified. E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS is a virulent strain, E. histolytica Rahman is a nonvirulent strain, and Entamoeba dispar is a nonvirulent species. We used an E. histolytica DNA microarray consisting of 2,110 genes to assess the transcriptional differences between these species/strains with the goal of identifying genes whose expression correlated with a virulence phenotype. We found 415 genes expressed at lower levels in E. dispar and 32 genes with lower expression in E. histolytica Rahman than in E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS. Overall, 29 genes had decreased expression in both the nonvirulent species/strains than the virulent E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS. Interestingly, a number of genes with potential roles in stress response and virulence had decreased expression in either one or both nonvirulent Entamoeba species/strains. These included genes encoding Fe hydrogenase (9.m00419), peroxiredoxin (176.m00112), type A flavoprotein (6.m00467), lysozyme (6.m00454), sphingomyelinase C (29.m00231), and a hypothetical protein with homology to both a Plasmodium sporozoite threonine-asparagine-rich protein (STARP) and a streptococcal hemagglutinin (238.m00054). The function of these genes in Entamoeba and their specific roles in parasite virulence need to be determined. We also found that a number of the non-long-terminal-repeat retrotransposons (EhLINEs and EhSINEs), which have been shown to modulate gene expression and genomic evolution, had lower expression in the nonvirulent species/strains than in E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS. Our results, identifying expression profiles and patterns indicative of a virulence phenotype, may be useful in characterizing the transcriptional framework of virulence.