Project description:These arrays measure gene expression across eight Y introgression lines in Drosophila simulans. Four lines (Ya19, Ya23, Ya24, Ya26) carry a D. simulans Y chromosome (from a Cameroon population) and four lines (Sec01, Sec03, Sec08, Sec27) carry a D. sechellia Y chromosome. All lines are otherwise identical with a D. simulans background (UCSD stock center line 14021-0251.092).
Project description:Y chromosome from different Drosophila simulans were introgressed into the same genetic background. Strains showing distinct sex-ratio distortion were clustered according to the ratio of males and females observed in the progeny. Strains showing disproportionally high number of female flies in the progeny were contrasted with strains displaying the proportion of male and females flies close to 1:1. In addition, interspecific Y chromosome from Drosophila sechellia (Ysec) was compared with D. simulans Y chromosomes. Total RNA was extracted from whole flies using TRIzol (Life Technologies). The synthesis of cDNA and its labeling with fluorescent dyes (Cy3 and Cy5) as well as hybridization reactions were carried out using 3DNA protocols and reagents (Genisphere). A minimum of 2 biological replicas was used, however this number varied according to the hybridization design (See 'Branco et. al, Natural variation of the Y chromosome suppresses sex ratio distortion and modulates testis-specific gene expression in Drosophila simulans' for details of the hybridization design). Microarrays were ~18,000-feature cDNA arrays spotted with D. melanogaster cDNA PCR products. We have recently annotated these probes using the D. simulans genome. Possible biases introduced by using a D. melanogaster platform for a D. simulans genome are minimized because the probed genomes are essentially identical except for the Y chromosomes. Slides were scanned using Axon 400B scanner (Axon Instruments) and GenePix Pro 6.0 software. Foreground fluorescence of dye intensities was normalized by the Loess method in Bioconductor / Limma.
Project description:Y chromosome from different Drosophila simulans were introgressed into the same genetic background. Strains showing distinct sex-ratio distortion were clustered according to the ratio of males and females observed in the progeny. Strains showing disproportionally high number of female flies in the progeny were contrasted with strains displaying the proportion of male and females flies close to 1:1. In addition, interspecific Y chromosome from Drosophila sechellia (Ysec) was compared with D. simulans Y chromosomes. Total RNA was extracted from whole flies using TRIzol (Life Technologies). The synthesis of cDNA and its labeling with fluorescent dyes (Cy3 and Cy5) as well as hybridization reactions were carried out using 3DNA protocols and reagents (Genisphere). A minimum of 2 biological replicas was used, however this number varied according to the hybridization design (See 'Branco et. al, Natural variation of the Y chromosome suppresses sex ratio distortion and modulates testis-specific gene expression in Drosophila simulans' for details of the hybridization design). Microarrays were ~18,000-feature cDNA arrays spotted with D. melanogaster cDNA PCR products. We have recently annotated these probes using the D. simulans genome. Possible biases introduced by using a D. melanogaster platform for a D. simulans genome are minimized because the probed genomes are essentially identical except for the Y chromosomes. Slides were scanned using Axon 400B scanner (Axon Instruments) and GenePix Pro 6.0 software. Foreground fluorescence of dye intensities was normalized by the Loess method in Bioconductor / Limma. Dye "swaps," loop design.
Project description:In order to test the hypothesis that adult hybrid misexpression results from the cascading effect of earlier-expressed developmentally important improperly regulated genes, as well as address whether Von Baer’s 3rd law (suggesting that earlier stages of development should be more similar between species than later stages) holds at the level of gene expression, we conducted whole-transcriptome Drosophila melanogaster cDNA microarray-based expression profiling of males of D. melanogaster, D. sechellia, and D. simulans, at four synchronized developmental time-points (3rd instar larval [larval], early pupal, late pupal, and newly-emerged adult [adult]). D. simulans and D. sechellia shared a most recent common ancestor (MRCA) ~0.5 to 1.0 million years ago (MYA) and form a clade that shared an MRCA with D. melanogaster approximately 5.4 MYA. In addition, we also performed the same analysis on the male interspecific F1 hybrids of the D. simulans (♀) × D. sechellia (♂) cross.
Project description:These arrays measure gene expression across eight Y introgression lines in Drosophila simulans. Four lines (Ya19, Ya23, Ya24, Ya26) carry a D. simulans Y chromosome (from a Cameroon population) and four lines (Sec01, Sec03, Sec08, Sec27) carry a D. sechellia Y chromosome. All lines are otherwise identical with a D. simulans background (UCSD stock center line 14021-0251.092). Four biological replicates of each of eight lines, plus two technical replicates (dye swap), for a total of 32 arrays. Full methods are described in the accompanying publication.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila simulans small RNAs. ~18-26nt RNAs were isolated from total RNA using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH.