Project description:Imp2 -/- mice were subjected to a number of characterization assays, including RNA-Seq of various tissues, Characterization of IMP2 -/- mice including various metabolic measurements.
Project description:Male C57BL/6 mice, sourced from the Jackson Laboratory, were acquired at 12 weeks of age. The mice were housed in groups of three per cage, with unrestricted access to water and a standard chow diet. For the experimental treatments involving fasting and fed states (n = 3 per group), the mice were either provided continuous access to food or subjected to a 24-hour fasting period before euthanasia at 10 am for tissue collection. The tissues harvested included muscle, liver, heart, lungs, both white and brown adipose tissues, spleen, and kidney. These tissues were immediately preserved in liquid nitrogen post-sacrifice to maintain their integrity for subsequent analyses.
Project description:aCGH of control cells not subjected to PDT (Parental), cells subjected to 10 sequential PDT treatments (10G) and 10G cells inoculated in immunosuppressed mice; the induced tumors were subcultured by explants to obtain a cell resistant population called 10GT
Project description:We generated scaffold-free endometrial organoids from human primary endometrial tissues. These organoids were subjected to stepwise hormone treatments for 14 days mimicking the proliferative phase of menstrual cycle or with constantly high testosterone mimicking PCOS conditions
Project description:aCGH of control cells not subjected to PDT (Parental) and cells subjected to 5 or 10 sequential PDT treatments (5ºG and 10ºG, respectively).
Project description:To investigate the differences in gene expression among various cells and tissues, hippocampus, cerebellum, cortex, primary glial cells and primary neurons were isolated from mice, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were isolated from day 13.5 embryos, R1 mbryonic stem cells (ESCs) were clutured in galetin-coated plates in N2B27+2i medium. Total RNA were extracted and subjected to RNA-Seq analysis.
Project description:To make the human liver accessible to metabolic treatments, we employed a liver-specific humanized mouse model in which approximately 50% of the mouse hepatocytes were replaced by human ones. To capture transcriptomes reflecting pathophysiology and therapeutic development of metabolic diseases, we subjected the humanized mice to the key metabolic transcriptional factor agonist treatments. We then performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of these humanized mice.