Project description:We assayed CpG methylation in cerebral cortex of neurologically and psychiatrically normal human postmortem specimens, as well as mouse forebrain specimens. Cross-species human-mouse DNA methylation conservation analysis shows that DNA methylation is not correlated with sequence conservation. Instead, greater DNA methylation conservation is correlated with increasing CpG density. We identified key genomic features that can be targeted for identification of epigenetic loci that may be developmentally and evolutionarily conserved and wherein aberrations in DNA methylation patterns can confer risk for disease. Characterization of evolutionary signatures of DNA methylation in the brain
Project description:We assayed CpG methylation in cerebral cortex of neurologically and psychiatrically normal human postmortem specimens, as well as mouse forebrain specimens. Cross-species human-mouse DNA methylation conservation analysis shows that DNA methylation is not correlated with sequence conservation. Instead, greater DNA methylation conservation is correlated with increasing CpG density. We identified key genomic features that can be targeted for identification of epigenetic loci that may be developmentally and evolutionarily conserved and wherein aberrations in DNA methylation patterns can confer risk for disease.
Project description:DNA methylation is essential in brain function and behavior; therefore, understanding the role of DNA methylation in brain-based disorders begins with the study of DNA methylation profiles in normal brain. Determining the patterns and scale of methylation conservation and alteration in an evolutionary context enables the design of focused but effective methylation studies of disease states. We applied an enzymatic-based approach, Methylation Mapping Analysis by Paired-end Sequencing (Methyl-MAPS), which utilizes second-generation sequencing technology to provide an unbiased representation of genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of human and mouse brains. In this large-scale study, we assayed CpG methylation in cerebral cortex of neurologically and psychiatrically normal human postmortem specimens, as well as mouse forebrain specimens. Cross-species human-mouse DNA methylation conservation analysis shows that DNA methylation is not correlated with sequence conservation. Instead, greater DNA methylation conservation is correlated with increasing CpG density. In addition to CpG density, these data show that genomic context is a critical factor in DNA methylation conservation and alteration signatures throughout mammalian brain evolution. We identify key genomic features that can be targeted for identification of epigenetic loci that may be developmentally and evolutionarily conserved and wherein aberrations in DNA methylation patterns can confer risk for disease.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE38560: CpG islands and GC content dictate nucleosome depletion in a transcription independent manner at mammalian promoters (RNA-seq) GSE38561: CpG islands and GC content dictate nucleosome depletion in a transcription independent manner at mammalian promoters (ChIP-seq) GSE38562: CpG islands and GC content dictate nucleosome depletion in a transcription independent manner at mammalian promoters (genomic SEQ) GSE38563: CpG islands and GC content dictate nucleosome depletion in a transcription independent manner at mammalian promoters (MNase-seq) GSE38564: CpG islands and GC content dictate nucleosome depletion in a transcription independent manner at mammalian promoters (5) Refer to individual Series
Project description:The genomes of many vertebrates show a characteristic variation in GC content. To explain its origin and evolution mainly three mechanisms have been proposed, selection for GC content, mutation bias and GC-biased gene conversion. At present the mechanism of GC-biased gene conversion, i.e. short-scale, unidirectional exchanges between homologous chromosomes in the neighborhood of recombination-initiating double-strand breaks in favor for GC nucleotides, is the most widely accepted hypothesis. We here suggest that DNA methylation also plays an important role in the evolution of GC content in vertebrate genomes. To test this hypothesis we investigated one mammalian (human; GSE30340) and one avian (chicken) genome. We used bisulfite sequencing to generate a whole-genome methylation map of chicken sperm. Human processed data files (spermdonor1, #reads>=1) were downloaded from the NGSmethDB database ( Inclusion of these methylation maps into a model of GC content evolution provided significant support for the impact of DNA methylation on the local equilibrium GC content. Moreover, two different estimates of equilibrium GC content, one which neglects and one which incorporates the impact of DNA methylation and the concomitant CpG hypermutability, give estimates that differ about 15% in both genomes, arguing for a strong impact of DNA methylation on the evolution of GC content. Thus, our results put forward that previous estimates of equilibrium GC content, which neglect the hypermutability of CpG dinucleotides, need to be reevaluated.
Project description:The genomes of many vertebrates show a characteristic variation in GC content. To explain its origin and evolution mainly three mechanisms have been proposed, selection for GC content, mutation bias and GC-biased gene conversion. At present the mechanism of GC-biased gene conversion, i.e. short-scale, unidirectional exchanges between homologous chromosomes in the neighborhood of recombination-initiating double-strand breaks in favor for GC nucleotides, is the most widely accepted hypothesis. We here suggest that DNA methylation also plays an important role in the evolution of GC content in vertebrate genomes. To test this hypothesis we investigated one mammalian (human; GSE30340) and one avian (chicken) genome. We used bisulfite sequencing to generate a whole-genome methylation map of chicken sperm. Human processed data files (spermdonor1, #reads>=1) were downloaded from the NGSmethDB database ( Inclusion of these methylation maps into a model of GC content evolution provided significant support for the impact of DNA methylation on the local equilibrium GC content. Moreover, two different estimates of equilibrium GC content, one which neglects and one which incorporates the impact of DNA methylation and the concomitant CpG hypermutability, give estimates that differ about 15% in both genomes, arguing for a strong impact of DNA methylation on the evolution of GC content. Thus, our results put forward that previous estimates of equilibrium GC content, which neglect the hypermutability of CpG dinucleotides, need to be reevaluated. Genomic DNA from chicken mature sperm was isolated, bisulfite converted and sequenced on a Illumina HiSeq instrument