Project description:ER71 mutant embryos are nonviable and lack hematopoietic and endothelial lineages. To further define the functional role for ER71 in cell lineage decisions, we generated genetically modified mouse models. We engineered an ER71-EYFP transgenic mouse model by fusing the 3.9 kb ER71 promoter to the EYFP reporter gene. Using FACS and transcriptional profiling, we examined the EYFP+ populations of cells in ER71 mutant and wildtype littermates. In the absence of ER71, we observed an increase in the number of EYFP expressing cells, increased expression of the cardiac molecular program and decreased expression of the hemato-endothelial program compared to the wildtype littermate controls. We have also generated a novel ER71-Cre transgenic mouse model using the same 3.9 kb ER71 promoter. Genetic fate mapping studies revealed that the ER71 expressing cells daughter hematopoietic and endothelial lineages in the wildtype background. In the absence of ER71, these cell populations contributed to alternative mesodermal lineages including the cardiac lineage. To extend these analyses, we used an inducible ES/EB system and observed that ER71 overexpression repressed cardiogenesis. Together, these studies identify ER71 as a critical regulator of mesodermal fate decisions, acting to specify the hematopoietic and endothelial lineages at the expense of cardiac lineages. This enhances our understanding of the mechanisms that govern mesodermal fate decisions early during embryogenesis. 12samples were analyzed, including triplicates of WT; EYFP positive, WT EYFP negative, ER71 MT; EYFP positive and ER71 MT; EYFP negative cells
Project description:ER71 mutant embryos are nonviable and lack hematopoietic and endothelial lineages. To further define the functional role for ER71 in cell lineage decisions, we generated genetically modified mouse models. We engineered an ER71-EYFP transgenic mouse model by fusing the 3.9 kb ER71 promoter to the EYFP reporter gene. Using FACS and transcriptional profiling, we examined the EYFP+ populations of cells in ER71 mutant and wildtype littermates. In the absence of ER71, we observed an increase in the number of EYFP expressing cells, increased expression of the cardiac molecular program and decreased expression of the hemato-endothelial program compared to the wildtype littermate controls. We have also generated a novel ER71-Cre transgenic mouse model using the same 3.9 kb ER71 promoter. Genetic fate mapping studies revealed that the ER71 expressing cells daughter hematopoietic and endothelial lineages in the wildtype background. In the absence of ER71, these cell populations contributed to alternative mesodermal lineages including the cardiac lineage. To extend these analyses, we used an inducible ES/EB system and observed that ER71 overexpression repressed cardiogenesis. Together, these studies identify ER71 as a critical regulator of mesodermal fate decisions, acting to specify the hematopoietic and endothelial lineages at the expense of cardiac lineages. This enhances our understanding of the mechanisms that govern mesodermal fate decisions early during embryogenesis.
Project description:In this study, we investigate the miRNA expression profile of cardiac neural crest cells (NCCs) and non-NCCs. Rosa-mT-mG reporter mice, which possess loxP sites on either side of a membrane-targeted tdTomato (mT) cassette and express strong red fluorescence in all tissues and cell types, were applied in this study. The presence of Wnt1-Cre leads to the deletion of the mT cassette and the expression of the membrane-targeted EGFP (mG) cassette located just downstream in NCCs. E10.5 Rosa-mT-mG/Wnt1-Cre EGFP positive embryos were collected. The 3rd, 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches and outflow tract were dissected out, digested and sorted for both EGFP+ cranial NCCs and EGFP- control cells by FACS sorting. Total RNAs were prepared for microRNA microarray from cardiac NCCs and non-NCCs.
Project description:BACKGROUND: Our previous studies showed that RUNX1 and ASXL1 mutations were frequently co-existed in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and clonal evolution of RUNX1 and/or ASXL1 occurred most frequently in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) with myeloid blastic crisis. The molecular pathogenesis of cooperation of RUNX1 and ASXL1 mutations has not been reported yet. METHODS: Lentiviral-mediated stable transduction of RUNX1-WT/MT (R135T) in K562 cells which harboring ASXL1-MT (Y591X). RNA was extracted from stable cell line and used for gene-expression microarray analysis. RESULTS: For in vitro study, we overexpressed RUNX1-WT/MT (R135T) in K562 cells which harboring ASXL1-MT (Y591X). We found that RUNX1-MT augmented cell proliferation, colony formation, HOXA gene expression and inhibited megakaryocytic differentiation in ASXL1-MT K562 cells compared to RUNX1-WT or empty vector control. We performed gene expression profile of K562 cells overexpressed with EV, RUNX1-WT and RUNX1-R135T mutation. Gene expression microarray data revealed that 147 genes upregulated more than 2-fold in RUNX1-R135T expressing K562 cells compared to EV control cells. From gene expression data analysis, we found that inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1), a key transcriptional regulator of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) lineage commitment, is upregulated in RUNX1-R135T-transduced K562 cells compared to EV and RUNX1-WT-expressing cells.
Project description:Analysis of differential gene expression in Cebpa-positive and Cebpa-negative hematopoietic stem cells using a Cebpa-Cre EYFP reporter mouse model
Project description:Cx3cr1CreER-Eyfp/wt mice contain a subset of microglia lacking Cre and EYFP expression. These microglial escape Cre-mediated recombination and gain a repopulation advantage following Cre-driven DTA-mediated microglial depletion.
Project description:C/EBPalpha is a transcription factor critically involved in myeloid development and indispensable for formation of granulocytes. To track the cellular fate of stem and progenitor (LSK) cells, which express C/EBPalpha, we developed a mouse model expressing Cre recombinase from the Cebpa promoter and an inducible EYFP allele. We show that Cebpa/EYFP+ cells represent a significant subset of LSK cells, which predominantly give rise to myeloid cells in steady state hematopoiesis. C/EBPalpha induced a robust myeloid gene expression signature and downregulated E2A-induced regulators of early lymphoid development. In addition, Cebpa/EYFP+ cells comprise a fraction of early thymic progenitors (ETP) with robust myeloid potential. However, Cebpa/EYFP+ LSK and ETP cells retained the ability to develop into erythroid and T-lymphoid lineages, respectively. These findings support an instructive, but argue against a lineage restrictive role of C/EBPalpha in multipotent hematopoietic and thymic progenitors. We performed global gene expression profiling of double-sorted Cebpa/EYFP+ and Cebpa/EYFP- LSK cells of pooled Cebpa Cre/wt R26 EYFP reporter mice to identify differentially regulated genes in Cebpa+ versus Cebpa- LSK cells. RNA was isolated from three biological replicates of Cebpa/EYFP+ LSK cells and two biological replicates of Cebpa/EYFP- LSK cells. To determine if the identified genes were truly dependent on Cebpa expression, we also performed global gene expression profilling of Cebpa/EYFP+ and Cebpa/EYFP- fetal liver LSK cells of Cebpa Cre/fl R26 EYFP mice. Induction of Cebpa/Cre expression in these mice leads to Cre-mediated recombination of the floxed wt Cebpa allele resulting in a complete Cebpa knock-out. In this case, RNA was isolated from two biological replicates of either Cebpa/EYFP+ and Cebpa/EYFP- LSK cells. In addition, we included one biological replicate of Cebpa/EYFP+ and Cebpa/EYFP- fetal liver LSK cells of Cebpa Cre/wt R26 EYFP mice to determine the correlation of differentially regulated genes in bone marrow and fetal liver LSK cells.
Project description:RNA-Seq transcriptome comparison of the following cell populations (n=3-4 independent samples per cell population): a) CD11c-eYFP+ cells FACS sorted from brain of female adult mice 4 days after cerebral ischemia, b) CD11c-eYFP+ cells FACS sorted from brain of female parabiotic mice 4 days after cerebral ischemia c) CX3CR1+ microglia sorted from the ischemic brain of female CX3CR1CreERT2-ROSA26 tdTomato mice. Purpose: The goal of this study is to compare the transcriptome profile (RNA-Seq) of infiltrating cD11c-eYFP+ cells and microglia, both collected from ischemic brains of mice. Methods: RNA samples were obtained from FACS sorted eYFP+ cells of the ipsilateral brain hemisphere of CD11c-eYFP mice 4 days post-ischemia, the ipsilateral brain hemisphere of CD11c-eYFP/WT parabiotic mice 4 days post-ischemia, and from microglial cells sorted from the ipsilateral brain hemisphere of Cx3cr1CreERT2:ROSA26dTomato mice 4 days post-ischemia. NGS was performed (RNA-Seq) to compare the transcriptome of these populations. Results: the populations we compared clearly separated the differentially expressed genes in an unsupervised cluster analysis. 1509 genes were overrepresented in microglia and 1183 genes were overrepresented in CD11c-eYFP+ cells in the ischemic brain. Conclusions: Our study is the first comparative analysis of the transcriptomes of microglia and the infiltrating CD11c-eYFP+ cells derived from the ischemic brain of mice. The results show that the infiltrating CD11c-eYFP cell population in the ischemic brain tissue of parabiotic mice displays overrepresentation of genes typical of dendritic cells, immune functions, and ClassII antigen presentation, amongst others, that are not found represented in microglia.
Project description:We used RNA seq and Ribo-seq to evaluate the PHYHD1 gene expression changes among different groups (EV, MT, WT) to investigate the potential mechanisms by which PHYHD1 exerts its negative regulatory role in inhibiting excessive protein synthesis.