Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana Ler wildtype and eid3 (empfindlicher im dunkelroten Licht 3) mutant seedlings in darkness and 45 min after a red-light pulse.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana Ler wildtype and eid3 (empfindlicher im dunkelroten Licht 3) mutant seedlings in darkness and 45 min after a red-light pulse. Arabidopsis thaliana Ler wildtype and eid3 mutant seedlings were grown on 1/2 MS Agar plates covered with filter paper for 4 days in darkness after induction of germination with 2 h red light. Samples were either treated with 2 min red light (30 µmol/m2s) or kept in darkness and harvested after additional 45 min in darkness. 3 biological replicas were used for each of the 4 experimental conditions.
Project description:The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of autotetraploidy on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana by comparing diploid versus tetraploid transcriptomes. In particular, this included the comparison of the transcriptome of different tetraploid A. thaliana ecotypes (Col-0 vs. Ler-0). The study was extended to address further aspects. One was the comparison of the transcriptomes in subsequent generations. This intended to obtain information on the genome wide stability of autotetraploid gene expression. Another line of work compared the transcriptomes of different diploid vs. tetraploid tissues. This aimed to investigate whether particular gene groups are specifically affected during the development of A. thaliana autotetraploids. Samples 1-8: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 9-12: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 13-24: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 leaves (6th - 8th). The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 25-32: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 leaves (6th - 8th). The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 33-36: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings from the second (F2) and third (F3) generation after induction, respectively. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 37-40: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 seedlings from the second (F2) and third (F3) generation after induction, respectively. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 41-44: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0/Ler-0 diploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid Col-0 vs. diploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of esrablished lines. Samples 45-48: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0/Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid Col-0 vs tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 and Ler-0 lines.
Project description:ARABIDOPSIS SKP1-LIKE1 (ASK1) protein is involved in regulating flower development. We have compared ask1 mutant floral transcriptome with wild-type Ler to identify the role of ASK1-containing E3 ubiquitin ligases in regulating flower transcriptome. In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from Arabidopsis thaliana Ler and ask1 mutant flower buds. We identified 42 genes and 74 genes that are down-regulated and up-regulated, respectively.
Project description:Comparison of protein termini in Arabidopsis thaliana vpe0 quadruple mutant and wildtype seedlings shortly after germination to identify differential processed proteins.
Project description:Accumulation of unfolded/misfolded proteins in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) elicits a well conserved response called the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), which triggers the up-regulation of downstream genes involved in protein folding, vesicle trafficking, and ER-Associated Degradation (ERAD). Although the dynamic transcriptomic responses and underlying major transcriptional regulators in ER stress response in plants have been well established, the proteome changes induced by ER stress have not been reported in plants. In the current study, we found that the Arabidopsis Ler ecotype is more sensitive to ER stress than the Col ecotype. Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis with Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) isobaric labeling showed that totally 7439 and 7035 proteins were identified from Col and Ler seedlings, with 88 and 113 differentially regulated (FC>1.3 or <0.7, P<0.05) proteins by ER stress in Col and Ler, respectively. Among them, 40 proteins were commonly up-regulated in Col and Ler, of which 10 were not up-regulated in bzip28 bzip60 double mutant (Col background) plants. Of the 19 specifically up-regulated proteins in Col comparing to that in Ler, components in ERAD, N-glycosylation, vesicle trafficking and molecular chaperones were represented. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that genes encoding 7 out of 19 proteins were not up-regulated (FC>1.3 or <0.7, P<0.05) by ER stress in both ecotypes while genes encoding 12 out of 19 proteins were up-regulated by ER stress with no obvious differences in fold change between Col and Ler. Our results experimentally demonstrated the robust ER stress response at proteome level in plants and revealed differentially regulated proteins that may contribute to differed ER stress sensitivity between Col and Ler ecotypes in Arabidopsis.
Project description:Floral transition and flower development are regulated by numerous environmental and endogenous signals, which are integrated at a relatively small number of floral integrators, such as FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and SUPPRESSOR OF CONSTANS OVEREXPRESSION 1 (SOC1). Of the environmental factors, photoperiod is regarded the most important one in promoting floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana and most labstrains will flower earlier under long day (LD) conditions than under short day (SD) conditions. Arabidopsis is therefore considered a facultative LD plant. To monitor gene expression changes during floral transition and early flower development plants were grown under SD (9 hr light, 15 hr dark) for 30 days. Plants were then shifted to LD (16 hr light, 8 hr dark) conditions to induce flowering. RNA was isolated from micro-dissected apical tissue harvested 0, 3, 5, and 7 days after the shift to LD and double-stranded cDNA was synthesized. Biotinylated cRNA probes were prepared and hybridized to the Affymetrix ATH1 array in duplicate (biological replicates). To study floral transition, we not only analyzed response of wildtype Landsberg erecta (Ler) plants, but also the effect of mutants in the flowering time genes CONSTANS (CO; co-2) and FT (ft-2). Early flower development was analyzed by comparing Col-0 wildtype plants with the meristem identity mutant lfy-12 (Col-0).
Project description:ARABIDOPSIS SKP1-LIKE1 (ASK1) protein is involved in regulating flower development. We have compared ask1 mutant floral transcriptome with wild-type Ler to identify the role of ASK1-containing E3 ubiquitin ligases in regulating flower transcriptome. In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from Arabidopsis thaliana Ler and ask1 mutant flower buds. We identified 42 genes and 74 genes that are down-regulated and up-regulated, respectively. Totally 5 samples were analyzed: 3 samples of ask1 and 2 samples of Ler. The average values were compared between ask1 and Ler.