Project description:Analysis of LNCaP cell molecular differences and their response to R1881 in 2D and 3D cultures. Androgen regulated genes were differentially expressed between 2D and 3D cultures. These results provide insights into factors that influence the expression of androgen regulated genes
Project description:LNCaP cells were cultures in steroid depleted medium for 5 days before treatment with synthetic androgen (R1881, 10nM) for 16h. Transcriptomics analysis was performed to compare gene expression changes induced by androgen withdrawal or androgen treatment. Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of LNCaP cells grown in steroid depleted medium, normal (steroid-containing) medium and R1881 treated cells was performed using the Agilent platform
Project description:Analysis of LNCaP cell molecular differences and their response to R1881 in 2D and 3D cultures. Androgen regulated genes were differentially expressed between 2D and 3D cultures. These results provide insights into factors that influence the expression of androgen regulated genes In this study, LNCaP cells cultured in tissue culture plastic (2D) and in the hydrogel (3D) were maintained up to 3 days and 24 days respectively in serum containing media before they were androgen-starved for 48 hours. Cells were either treated with 1nM R1881 or continued to be androgen-deprived (without R1881 with 0.008% ethanol) for another 48 hours prior to cell harvest for gene expression analysis. Biological triplicates were prepared for each condition.
Project description:LNCaP cells were cultures in steroid depleted medium for 5 days before treatment with synthetic androgen (R1881, 10nM) for 16h. Transcriptomics analysis was performed to compare gene expression changes induced by androgen withdrawal or androgen treatment.
Project description:The androgen receptor is considered as the key promoter of prostate cancer. It is a transcription factor that controls the transcription of hundreds of its target genes. In this project we focuses on how androgen receptor stimulation by the synthetic androgen R1881 can affect the proteome of peroxiosmes and the antioxidant enzymes in LNCaP cells.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of the LNCaP cell line treated with R1881 synthetic androgen and/or cycloheximide. LNCaP cells were stimulated with R1881 alone, with cycloheximide alone, or with R1881 in the presence of cycloheximide for 24h and compared to control untreated cells. Two independent cell culture experiments for each treatment condition were performed for microarray analysis. Each experiment was repeated with a switch in fluorescent Cy3/Cy5 labels to account for dye effects to produce four data points per hybridization spot.
Project description:Gene expression of LNCaP cells grown in polyethlene glycol-based hydrogels alone (monocultures) and grown with human osteoblasts as tissue engineered bone (co-culture) with the presence of synthetic androgen, R1881
Project description:Androgens are required for the development of normal prostate, and they are also linked to the development of prostate cancer. We used microarrays to understand the role of androgen in an androgen dependent, androgen receptor (AR) positive human metastatic cell line, LNCaP. LNCaP cells were grown in RPMI medium and they were subjected to stay in phenol-red free, RPMI with charcoal stripped serum for 48h. Synthetic androgen R1881 was added and the cells were allowed to grow for 48h. Control cells were given with corresponding amount of ethanol as vehicle which is used for the solubilization of R1881. Cells were harvested and RNA was isolated for microarray analysis.
Project description:LNCaP prostate cancer cells were stimulated with the synthetic androgen R1881. RNA-sequencing was performed to identify changes induced by darolutamide treatment on the transcriptome level.