Project description:Gene expression during spermatogenesis undergoes significant changes due to a demanding sequence of mitosis, meiosis and differentiation. Round spermatids have to prepare for DNA condensation as well as synthesize transcripts of genes required for the differentiation process. However, the mechanisms of gene activation and silencing in round spermatids remain largely unknown. We employed ChIP-seq to figure out the correlation of H3K4me3 and H3K9me3 marks with transcriptional activation and silencing in round spermatids. Out of about 2800 genes identified by H3K4me3 chipseq, transcriptome sequencing in purified round spermatids showed the presence of transcripts corresponding to about 64% of the genes. On the other hand, only about 25% of H3K9me3 enriched genes showed transcription in round spermatids, that too at very low levels. In conclusion, H3K4me3 enrichment in round spermatids correlates significantly with gene expression and H3K9me3 correlates with gene silencing, both of which are equally important for successful spermatogenesis.
Project description:Small RNAs in FACS-purified spermatogonia, spermatocytes (L/Z and P/D) and round spermatids were sequenced to study piRNA populations.
Project description:Microarray analysis of purified pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Each stage was examined in wild type and RNF8 knockout mice in two biological replicates. We performed microarray analysis using Affymetrix Gene 1.0 ST Arrays with purified pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids were enriched from 3 to 4 males from the WT or Rnf8-KO via BSA gravity sedimentation according to the previous publication [PMID 8231890] and >95% (PS, RS) enrichments were verified after DAPI staining under a fluorescent microscope. For microarray analysis, total RNAs from purified pachytene spermatocytes or round spermatids were examined.
Project description:Pachytene piRNAs are PIWI-interacting small RNAs abundantly expressed in pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids in adult mouse testes. Both MIWI and MILI-bound pachytene piRNAs have been found enriched in round spermatids. Miwi-null male mice are sterile due to spermiogenic arrest. In C. elegans, sperm-borne piRNAs appear to have an epigenetic role during fertilization and development because progeny of offspring derived from piRNA-deficient sperm display a progressive fertility loss after several generations. In mice, it remains unknown whether MIWI-bound pachytene piRNA-deficient round spermatids can produce offspring, and whether the progeny of offspring derived from MIWI-bound pachytene piRNA-deficient round spermatids also exhibit transgenerational loss of fertility. Here, we report that Miwi KO round spermatids could fertilize both wild type (WT) and Miwi KO oocytes through round spermatid microinjection (ROSI), and produce healthy and fertile offspring despite the aberrant pachytene piRNA profiles in those Miwi KO spermatids. Progeny of ROSI-derived heterozygotes, both male and female, displayed normal fertility for at least three generations when bred with either WT or Miwi KO females. Our data indicate that aberrant MIWI-bound pachytene piRNAs profiles in spermatids do not affect fertilization, early embryonic development, or fertility of the offspring, suggesting a normal pachytene piRNAs profile is not required for paternal transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mice. Method: Round spermatids were purified from WT and Miwi KO adult testes using a mini-STA-PUT method[Methods Enzymol 1993; 225:84-113.],the purity of round spermatids was >90% based on our previous report[ J Biol Chem 2012; 287:25173-25190.]. Small RNA was isolated from round spermatids using the mirVana RNA isolation kit (Ambion) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA quality and quantity were assessed using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Small RNA-Seq was performed on an Ion Proton sequencer (Life Technologies). Libraries were prepared using the Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 (Invitrogen) with biological triplicates for WT and Miwi KO samples. Resutls:Our data indicate that aberrant MIWI-bound pachytene piRNAs profiles in spermatids do not affect fertilization, early embryonic development, or fertility of the offspring, suggesting a normal pachytene piRNAs profile is not required for paternal transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mice.
Project description:We generated RRBS data to analyse the DNA methylation profiling among WT-AG-haESCs, DKO-AG-haESCs and round spermatids, we found deletion of H19 and Gtl2 DMRs do not change the methylation patterns in AG-haESCs base on all detected CpG sites. We used round spermatids as control and analysed the DNA methylation profiles of all the cell lines were by RRBS.
Project description:To investigate the gene expression changes observed with aging in round spermatids from Brown Norway rats. We then performed gene expression analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of round spermatids at two time points.
Project description:Microarray analysis of purified pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Each stage was examined in wild type and RNF8 knockout mice in two biological replicates.
Project description:Brdt is a testis specific member of a family of chromatin interacting proteins. All of the family members have been shown to regulate transcription. Brdt is highly expressed in round spermatids, and may play a role in transcriptional regulation in these cells. We investigated transcriptional changes in mutant round spermatids that were homozygous for a mutation in which the first bromodomain of Brdt was removed. Round spermatids were purified from seven adult animals of each genotype for each Affymetrix microarray. Purity of round spermatids was assessed by propidium iodide staining.