Project description:The zebra mussel is present in Spain since early 2000,s, when it was discovered in the lower part of the Ebro river. To study the gene expression pattern of different populations of zebra mussel a long the Ebro River we use a custom microarray developed in our laboratory, using 4057 publicly available DNA sequences from Dreissena polymorpha and other related genera. Also it was used an external sampling site located in Sitjar Dam, about 200km form the Ebro river. Transcriptome profiles were analysed using the gills of individuals collected in the same period (20-23 March) to diminish seasonal effects. A total of 755 transcripts changed significantly their mRNA levels among the sites of the study (ANOVA p<0.01, fc ±1.5). Genes encoding for xenobiotic, energetic and calcium metabolism and cell proliferation were those showing the highest differences among populations. Geographical origin appeared as the major driver of the differences among the studied populations, as the transcriptomic profiles from four populations collected within a radius of few km around the Flix factory clustered together and separated from those from other distant populations both upstream the Ebro River or in the Sitjar dam.
Project description:The zebra mussel is present in Spain since early 2000,s, when it was discovered in the lower part of the Ebro river. To study the gene expression pattern of different populations of zebra mussel a long the Ebro River we use a custom microarray developed in our laboratory, using 4057 publicly available DNA sequences from Dreissena polymorpha and other related genera. Also it was used an external sampling site located in Sitjar Dam, about 200km form the Ebro river. Transcriptome profiles were analysed using the gills of individuals collected in the same period (20-23 March) to diminish seasonal effects. A total of 755 transcripts changed significantly their mRNA levels among the sites of the study (ANOVA p<0.01, fc M-BM-11.5). Genes encoding for xenobiotic, energetic and calcium metabolism and cell proliferation were those showing the highest differences among populations. Geographical origin appeared as the major driver of the differences among the studied populations, as the transcriptomic profiles from four populations collected within a radius of few km around the Flix factory clustered together and separated from those from other distant populations both upstream the Ebro River or in the Sitjar dam. Differences on gene expression pattern were measure in gills of Dreissena polymorpha in different populations in five populations along the Ebro river and one population in Sitjar dam. The collection of samples were done during Srping (March). For the microarray it was used 2 replicates of each sites of the study.
Project description:Differential tolerance to stress is partly responsible for the heterogeneity of biomarker responses between populations of a sentinel species. Although currently used for freshwater biomonitoring, studies concerning inter-populational variability in tolerance to contaminants for the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) are scarce. Moreover, this well-known invader is currently replaced by another, the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis). To evaluate the differential tolerance between dreissenids, several populations of both species were exposed to a high concentration of nickel. A LT50 (time when 50% of individuals were dead) was established for each population. Biomarker responses and internal nickel concentration were also measured, to link tolerance with physiological status. Results evidenced that D. polymorpha populations are more heterogeneous and more tolerant than D. r. bugensis ones. For D. polymorpha populations only, LT50 values were positively correlated with the nickel contamination in situ, with higher anti-oxidative defences and a higher Integrated Biomarker Response value in the field. Such findings may be explained by local adaptation and invasion dynamic within each species. The significance of this differential tolerance when using biomarker responses for biomonitoring purposes is thus discussed.