Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE30357: Chip-chip from human diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines with IRF8 GSE30358: Mouse B cell lymphoma cell lines:IRF8 knockdown cells vs. Control GSE30519: Chip-chip from mouse diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines with IRF8 GSE30520: Chip-chip from mouse diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines with PU.1 Refer to individual Series
Project description:PU.1, a transcriptional factor, is expressed in wide range of B cells from early to mature stage. To identify PU.1 direct targets in germinal center B cells, ChIP-chip ananlysis was done in three different GC-origin diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines.
Project description:PU.1, a transcriptional factor, is expressed in wide range of B cells from early to mature stage. To identify PU.1 direct targets in germinal center B cells, ChIP-chip ananlysis was done in three different GC-origin diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines. PU.1 ChIP in two different cell lines (NFS201 and NFS202:high level of PU.1) and in one negative control cell lines(NFS205:negatvie for PU.1). Total three different samples. One sample per a set of two arrays (promoter1 and promoter2).
Project description:IRF8, a transcriptional factor, has the heightened expression in germinal center(GC) B cell and GC-origin B cell lymphoma. To identify IRF8 direct targets in GC B cells, ChIP-chip ananlysis was done in three different GC-origin diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines. IRF8-negative cell lines, MMS1, was also used as a negatvie control.
Project description:IRF8, a transcriptional factor, has the heightened expression in germinal center(GC) B cell and GC-origin B cell lymphoma. To identify IRF8 direct targets in GC B cells, ChIP-chip ananlysis was done in three different GC-origin diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines. IRF8-negative cell lines, MPC11, was also used as a negatvie control.
Project description:ChIP-Sequencing of 4 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines expressing different amounts of FOXP1 was performed in order to identify target genes bound by the transcription factor FOXP1.
Project description:We have included human samples including bladder tissue, Cervical tissue, Colorectal tissue, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Gastric tissue, glioblastoma multiforme, K562 cell, thyroid tissue, Plasma, Leukemia, Sarcoma, squamous cell lung carcinoma, hepatocellular K562 cell lines. The details are described in Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1.