Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE34077: Colon Cancer cell line YB5 untreated cells vs YB5 treated 24h with Depsipeptide at 20 nM GSE34427: DNA methylation analysis of Colon Cancer cell line SW48 Refer to individual Series
Project description:YB5 cell line is a clonal derivative of the SW48 colon cancer cell line that contains a single copy of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter silenced by CpG methylation at its CMV promoter. We treated the YB5 cells with decitabine (5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine), carboplatin and the combination of decitabine plus carboplatin and analyzed the effects of the drugs on gene expression. YB5 cells in the early log phase of growth were seeded at 3.5 million in 20 ml of culture medium in 10 cm diameter tissue culture plates at day 0. The cells were treated with 20 microliters of decitabine (final concentration 25 nM), carboplatin (final concentration 20 uM) or both at days 1, 2, 3 and 4. Control cells were treated with 20 microliters of diluent (DMSO). The cells were harvested at day 6. Total RNA was extracted by TRIZOL, labeled with Cy5 (control cells) or Cy3 (treated cells) and hybridized on Agilent Whole Genome Array (G4112F). Raw data from the Agilent scanner were loess normalized using Bioconductor packages limma and agilp.
Project description:YB5 cell line is a clonal derivative of the SW48 colon cancer cell line that contains a single copy of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter silenced by CpG methylation at its CMV promoter. We treated the YB5 cells with decitabine (5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine), carboplatin and the combination of decitabine plus carboplatin and analyzed the effects of the drugs on gene expression.
Project description:YB5 is a colon cancer cell line derived from the SW48 colon cancer cell line and contains a DNA methylated and silenced CMV promoter driving expression of a GFP reporter. The cells were treated with 10 micromolar concentration of the HH1 compound or with DMSO as a control. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) was performed after the treatment to analyze DNA methylation at CpG sites.
Project description:We report the analysis of the differential genes in mouse macrophages treated with the 100 nM of the Rocaglate vs untreated macrophages.
Project description:We sequenced the global transcriptome of human ovarian cancer cell line treated Vs untreated to identify the pathways and genes that are regulating the metabolite-induced invasion in ovarian cancer cells.
Project description:We performed quantitative metabolomics and 13C-glucose isotopic profiling experiments on AML MOLM14 cell line following 24h of treatment with venetoclax (50 nM) and aracytine (25 uM) or combination compared to untreated samples. In addition, we also performed quantitative metabolomic experiments on MOLM14 silenced for BCL2 (shRNA).
Project description:In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from untreated and blast pathogen treated rice seedlings using a variety of blast resistant rice line H4, as well as the susceptible rice line Zhonger-Ruanzhan. These data are used to obtain 4087 genes that are differentially expressed in response to blast pathogen in both of rice lines,as well as 717 genes that are differentially expressed between different lines both in the moch-treated and the blast treated. We used microarrays to detail the global gene expression in leaf from blast resistant rice line and susceptible rice line Four total samples were analyzed, The untreated rice line Zhonger-Ruanzhan: Zhonger-0;the untreated rice line H4:H4-0;Zhonger-Ruanzhan inoclutated with blast pathogen after 24h:Zhonger-24;H4 inoculated with blast pathogen after 24h: H4-24. We generated the following pairwise comparisons : H4-0 VS H4-24; Zhonger-0 vs Zhonger-24; H4-0 vs H4-0; Zhonger-24 vs H4-24.
Project description:We performed quantitative metabolomics and 13C-glucose isotopic profiling experiments on AML MOLM14 cell line following 24h of treatment with venetoclax (50 nM) and aracytine (25 uM) or combination compared to untreated samples. In addition, we also performed quantitative metabolomic experiments on MOLM14 silenced for BCL2 (shRNA).
Project description:Comparison of total RNA isolated from ASML and ASML CD44v knockdown exosomes; and RNA from untreated B12 lymph node stroma cells vs. cells treated for 24h with ASML wt or ASML CD44v kd exosomes