Project description:we used genome-wide transcriptome analysis to profile the mRNA, long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), and microRNA (miRNA) expression of B10 cells, an antigen-specific Cd1dhiCd5+Cd19hiIl10 competent regulatory B cell. Potential key upstream regulators (including transcription factors, cytokines, trans-membrane receptors, and kinases) for Breg biogenesis and function were identified.
Project description:DNA sequence analysis of the human gut revealed the presence a seventh order of methanogens referred to as Methanomassiliicoccales. Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis is the only member of this order that grows in pure culture. Here, we show that the organism has a doubling time of 1.8 d with methanol + H2 and a growth yield of 2.4 g dry weight/mol CH4. M. luminyensis also uses methylamines + H2 (monomethylamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine) with doubling times of 2.1-2.3 d. Similar cell yields were obtained with equimolar concentrations of methanol and methylamines with respect to their methyl group contents. The transcript levels of genes encoding proteins involved in substrate utilization indicated increased amounts of mRNA from the mtaBC2 gene cluster in methanol-grown cells. When methylamines were used as substrates, mRNA of the mtb/mtt operon and of the mtmBC1 cluster were found in high abundance. The transcript level of mtaC2 was almost identical in methanol- and methylamine-grown cells, indicating that genes for methanol utilization were constitutively expressed in high amounts. The same observation was made with resting cells where methanol always yielded the highest CH4 production rate independently from the growth substrate. Hence, M. luminyensis is adapted to habitats that provide methanol + H2 as substrates.
Project description:we used genome-wide transcriptome analysis to profile the mRNA, long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), and microRNA (miRNA) expression of B10 cells, an antigen-specific Cd1dhiCd5+Cd19hiIl10 competent regulatory B cell. Potential key upstream regulators (including transcription factors, cytokines, trans-membrane receptors, and kinases) for Breg biogenesis and function were identified. B10+ B cells (Cd1dhiCd5+Cd19hiIl10+) and B10- cells (Cd1d-Cd5-Cd19hiIl10-) from mouse splenic B cell were sorted for RNA preparation. Two independent repeats were prepared for microarray analysis
Project description:we used genome-wide transcriptome analysis to profile the mRNA, long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), and microRNA (miRNA) expression of B10 cells, an antigen-specific Cd1dhiCd5+Cd19hiIl10 competent regulatory B cell. Potential key upstream regulators (including transcription factors, cytokines, trans-membrane receptors, and kinases) for Breg biogenesis and function were identified. B10+ B cells (Cd1dhiCd5+Cd19hiIl10+) and B10- cells (Cd1d-Cd5-Cd19hiIl10-) from mouse splenic B cell were sorted for RNA preparation. Two independent repeats were prepared for RNA-seq