Project description:This program aims at identifying a muscle gene signature associated with aging in rat sarcopenia model The profiling data was analyzed by identifying genes that were up- and down-regulated at selected p value and fold change in the muscle of aged rats compared to the young controls.
Project description:To gain new insights into molecular changes in skeletal muscle aging and disease with a special focus on differential alternative splicing and senescence, we performed RNA-seq on rat gastrocnemius muscles of animals aged 6, 12, 18, 21, 24 and 27 months, using a rat sarcopenia model we had previously established.
Project description:In order to establish a rat embryonic stem cell transcriptome, mRNA from rESC cell line DAc8, the first male germline competent rat ESC line to be described and the first to be used to generate a knockout rat model was characterized using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis.
Project description:To investigate the metabolic dysfunction in the process of sarcopenia, we collected the skeletal muscles from the participants of healthy aged, pre-sarcopenia and sarcopenia. We then performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of skeletal muscle tissue from healthy aged, pre-sarccopenia and sarcopenia.