Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE38491: A Key Role for Chd1 in Histone H3 Dynamics at the 3' Ends of Long Genes in Yeast (Flag-tagged histone H3 to total histone H3) GSE38492: A Key Role for Chd1 in Histone H3 Dynamics at the 3' Ends of Long Genes in Yeast (H3K4me3 or H3K36me3 to input) GSE38493: A Key Role for Chd1 in Histone H3 Dynamics at the 3' Ends of Long Genes in Yeast (Rpb3 to input) GSE38496: A Key Role for Chd1 in Histone H3 Dynamics at the 3' Ends of Long Genes in Yeast (gene expression) Refer to individual Series
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y and 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes while protecting the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1M-bM-^@M-^Ys effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes. ChIP on chip experiments, comparing IP to input.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y and 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes while protecting the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1M-bM-^@M-^Ys effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes. ChIP on chip experiments, compare IP to input, with dye-flips, comparing distribution of RNA polymerase II in chd1 deletion to wild type cells.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y and 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes while protecting the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1M-bM-^@M-^Ys effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes. ChIP on chip experiments, compares IP of newly expressed, Flag-tagged histone H3 to total histone H3.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y and 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes while protecting the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1M-bM-^@M-^Ys effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3M-bM-^@M-^Y ends of genes. This series compares gene expession in wild type to that in chd1 mutant cells. Two biological replicates with dye swaps.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5’ and 3’ ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5’ ends of genes while protecting the 3’ ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1’s effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3’ ends of genes.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5’ and 3’ ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5’ ends of genes while protecting the 3’ ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1’s effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3’ ends of genes.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5’ and 3’ ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5’ ends of genes while protecting the 3’ ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1’s effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3’ ends of genes.
Project description:Chd proteins are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes implicated in biological functions from transcriptional elongation to control of pluripotency. Here, we examine roles of Chd1 in replication- independent dynamics of histone H3 in yeast. Using genome-wide ChIP on chip analysis, we find that Chd1 influences histone turnover at the 5’ and 3’ ends of genes, accelerating H3 replacement at the 5’ ends of genes while protecting the 3’ ends of genes from excessive H3 turnover. Although consistent with a direct role for Chd1 in exchange, these results may indicate that Chd1 stabilizes nucleosomes perturbed by transcription. Curiously, we observe a strong effect of gene length on Chd1’s effects on H3 turnover. Finally, we show that Chd1 also affects histone H3K4 and H3K36 methylation patterns over genes, likely as a consequence of its effects on histone replacement. In control experiments, we measure effects of deletion of CHD1 on RNA polymerase II distribution across the genome and on gene expression. We also examine the effect of deleting the TOP1 gene, alone and in combination with deletion of CHD1, on histone replacement. Taken together, our results emphasize a role for Chd1 in histone replacement in both budding yeast and Drosophila, and surprisingly show that the major effects of Chd1 on turnover occur at the 3’ ends of genes.
Project description:Chd1 is a conserved ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler that maintains the nucleosomal structure of chromatin, but the determinants of its specificity and its impact on gene expression are not well defined. To identify the determinants of Chd1 binding specificity in the yeast genome, we investigated Chd1 occupancy in mutants of several candidate factors. We found that several components of the PAF1 transcription elongation complex contribute to Chd1 recruitment to highly transcribed genes, and identified Spt4 as a factor that appears to negatively modulate Chd1 binding to chromatin. We discovered that CHD1 loss alters H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 patterns throughout the yeast genome. Interestingly, the aberrant histone H3 methylation patterns were predominantly observed within 1 kb from the transcription start site, where both histone H3 methylation marks co-occur. A reciprocal change between the two marks was obvious in the absence of Chd1, suggesting a role for CHD1 in establishing or maintaining the boundaries of these largely mutually exclusive histone marks. Strikingly, intron-containing genes were most susceptible to CHD1 loss, and exhibited a high degree of histone H3 methylation changes. Intron retention was significantly lower in the absence of CHD1, suggesting that CHD1 function as a chromatin remodeler could indirectly affect RNA splicing. This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.