Project description:This study investigates the role of ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 17) in skin homeostasis. Here, we show that mice lacking ADAM17 in keratinocytes have a normal epidermal barrier and skin architecture at birth, but develop pronounced defects in epidermal barrier integrity soon after birth and chronic dermatitis as adults. The dysregulated expression of epidermal differentiation proteins becomes evident 2 days after birth, followed by transepidermal water loss and inflammatory immune cell infiltration. Our results identify a previously unappreciated critical role of the ADAM17/EGFR signaling axis in maintaining the homeostasis of the postnatal epidermal barrier. The genome-wide effects of ADAM17 deficiency were analyzed using Agilent Whole Mouse Genome microarrays. Conditional keratinocyte-specific ADAM17 knockout mice were generated by crossing Adam17flox/flox mice with keratin-14-Cre (Krt14-Cre) transgenic mice. Adam17flox/+Krt14-Cre mice were mated with Adam17flox/flox mice to generate pups of Adam17flox/flox Krt14-Cre positive (cKO) and Krt14-Cre negative (wild-type) control littermates. The genetic background was a mix of 129Sv and C57BL/6. As material, back skin tissue biopsies (postnatal day 10) from n = 2 wild-type skin and n = 2 ADAM17 epidermal KO skin (matched WT-cKO pairs from two different litters) were used in this study.
Project description:TREX2 is a keratinocyte specific 3â-deoxyribonuclease that participates in the maintenance of skin homeostasis upon damage. This transcriptome analysis identified multiple genes and pathways deregulated by TREX2 loss in the IMQ-induced psoriasis-like model in mouse skin. mRNA sequencing of 5 biological replicates of skin from wild-type mice treated with Imiquimod and 6 of Trex2 knockout mice treated with Imiquimod
Project description:ADAM17 and EGFR are essential key players for epidermal integrity. Keratinocyte-specific deletion of ADAM17 in mice results in pronounced alterations in terminal differentiation of keratinocytes leading to severe epidermal barrier defects with enhanced transepidermal water loss. Thereby, mice deficient for ADAM17 in keratinocytes phenocopy mice with a keratinocyte-specific deletion of EGFR, highlighting the role of ADAM17 as a “ligand sheddase”, as it sheds membrane bound EGFR ligands from the cell surface and finally modulates EGFR signaling. In this study we aim for the first proteomic / degradomic approach to characterize the disruption of the ADAM17-EGFR signaling axis and its consequences for epidermal barrier formation. Proteomic profiling of the epidermal proteome of mice deficient for either ADAM17 or EGFR in keratinocytes at postnatal days 3 and 10 revealed highly similar protein alterations for ADAM17 and EGFR deficiency. These include massive proteome alterations of structural and regulatory components important for barrier formation, like transglutaminases, involucrin, S100 protein family members and S100 fused-type proteins, such as filaggrin, filaggrin-2 and hornerin. Cleavage site analysis using TAILS reveals, among other ADAM17 dependent cleavage sites, increased proteolytic processing of S100 fused-type proteins, including filaggrin-2. Alterations in proteolytic processing are supported by altered protein abundance of numerous proteases upon keratinocyte-specific Adam17 or Egfr deletion, among them kallikreins, cathepsins and their inhibitors. In addition, N-terminal proteomics indicated usage of alternative translation start sites. This study highlights the essential role of proteolytic processing for maintenance of a functional epidermal barrier. Furthermore it suggests that most defects in formation of the postnatal epidermal barrier upon keratinocyte-specific ADAM17 deletion are mediated via EGFR.
Project description:Adam17, a shedding protease, is strongly upregtulated during inflammation and cancer. Here we investigate the genome wide effects of Adam17 knock out on the transcriptome. Mouse tissue samples from n=3 wildtype colon, n=3 Adam17 knockout colon, n=3 wildtype skin and n=3 Adam17 knockout skin were used in the study.
Project description:Mice with epidermal keratinocyte specific knockout of OTULIN develop inflammatory skin disease. To study the inflammatory response we used Lexogen 3´mRNA sequencing to compare the gene expression profiles in the skin of OTULIN epidermis specific knockout and control mice.
Project description:This study investigates the role of ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 17) in skin homeostasis. Here, we show that mice lacking ADAM17 in keratinocytes have a normal epidermal barrier and skin architecture at birth, but develop pronounced defects in epidermal barrier integrity soon after birth and chronic dermatitis as adults. The dysregulated expression of epidermal differentiation proteins becomes evident 2 days after birth, followed by transepidermal water loss and inflammatory immune cell infiltration. Our results identify a previously unappreciated critical role of the ADAM17/EGFR signaling axis in maintaining the homeostasis of the postnatal epidermal barrier.
Project description:To investigate skin aging is an important driver of experimental osteoarthritis(OA) progression in mice via enhanced IL-36 receptor (IL-36R) signaling. we generated epidermis keratinocyte conditional knockout mice (IL-36Ra-cKO) with topical administration of capsid-mutant Adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) vector23 encoding Cre recombinase (AAV2-Cre) to IL-36Rafl/fl mice. Subsequently, epidermal skin tissues were collected from IL-36Rafl/fl and IL-36Ra-cKO mice for RNA sequencing analysis.
Project description:We analyzed time series transcriptomics data of SOCS3 conditional knockout keratinocytes mice at 2, 8 and 10 week by using RNA-Sequencing technology to gain a basic understanding on the role of SOCS3 in epidermal homeostasis and what are the key regulatory genes and interactions that are important for skin hemostasis. We identified the top altered genes profile and associated biological pathways and investigated how loss of SOCS3 from keratinocytes leads to chronic skin diseases. We also validated our RNA-seq analysis results on a human derived cultured keratinocyte cells. Our results suggest a novel function of SOCS3 gene that not only controls immune hemostasis but also plays an important role in epidermal hemostasis. We believe that establishing a regulatory model to explain the dynamics of SOCS3 that controls multiple cellular processes in keratinocyte will provide a detailed knowledge to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying epidermal homeostasis and the development of chronic epidermal diseases.
Project description:In order to unravel the functional role of autophagy in skin homeostasis, we performed single-cell RNA-sequencing on total skin of 10-weeks-old male mice lacking ATG16L1 selectively in keratinocytes. Keratinocyte-specific ATG16L1 knock-out (KO) mice do not show an overt skin phenotype. By performing single-cell analysis on total skin of control mice and mice lacking ATG16L1 in keratinocytes, we could identify a crucial role for keratinocyte autophagyin mediating the timing of hair follicle stem cell activation in hair growth.
Project description:Comparative analysis of gene expression in cultured primary keratinocytes isolated from newborn control (K14-cre; GPx4fl/+) and knockout (K14-cre; GPx4fl/fl) mice. Selenoproteins are essential for skin function, as targeted abolition of selenoproteins in epidermal tissue results in newborn mice manifesting gross abnormalities of skin and hair, accompanied by retarded growth and premature death. To investigate whether lack of a single selenoprotein could induce similar phenotypic effect in mice, we generated keratinocyte-specific knockout mice lacking glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4), an essential selenoprotein in skin, to examine phenotypic changes resulting from the lack of GPx4 in skin. Ablation of GPx4 results in focal alopecia and disturbed hair follicle morphogenesis, with GPx4 being essential during early stages of hair follicle morphogenesis as well as for keratinocyte adhesion and proliferation in culture. We have generated mice with selective removal of the GPx4 gene in keratinocytes under the control of Keratin-14-cre (K14-cre) promoter. Comparative microarray analysis was performed on RNA samples taken from pooled primary keratinocytes from knockout and control mice from the same litter. Array replicates were performed using RNA samples from three different litters.