Project description:To evaluate the molecular changes of lung malignancy in HIV infection, we analyzed the differential gene expression profiles and screened the early detection biomarkers of HIV-associated lung cancer using Affymetrix arrays. RNA was for transcriptomic profiles analysis in the HIV lung cancer tumor tissue samples from 3 patients with AC and 1 patient with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) including 3 pairs of tumor/adjacent normal tissue paraffin specimens and 1 pair of tumor/adjacent normal fresh tissue samples.
Project description:To investigate the interaction between lung cancer cell and lung fibrosis in vivo, gene expression analysis was performed using orthotopic tumor bearing animal model with C57BL/6 mice and Lewis Lung Carcinoma cells (LC model) and LC model with bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis (IP+LC model).
Project description:This project is a report of a chromosome-based human proteome project focused on chromosome 9 (Chr 9). To reveal missing proteins and undiscovered features in proteomes, LC-MS/MS analysis based identification and characterization were conducted on 5 pairs of lung adenocarcinoma tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues.
Project description:This project is a report of a chromosome-based human proteome project focused on chromosome 9 (Chr 9). To reveal missing proteins and undiscovered features in proteomes, LC-MS/MS analysis based identification and characterization were conducted on 5 pairs of lung adenocarcinoma tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues.
Project description:Smoking is the most important risk factor for both lung cancer (LC) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of myeloid cell NF-kB in the regulation of tumor cell growth signaling. We subjected mice lacking myeloid RelA/p65 to a metastatic LC model. Cigarette smoke (CS) exposure significantly increased the proliferation of Lewis lung carcinoma cell (LLC) tumors in wild type mice. In CS exposed mice lacking myeloid RelA/p65, the tumor growth was largely inhibited. Transcriptome and pathway analysis of cancer tissue revealed a fundamental impact of myeloid cells on various growth signaling pathways. Myeloid RelA/p65 is necessary to link smoke-induced inflammation with LC growth. Keywords: Expression profiling by array Analysis of gene expression in lewis lung carcinoma cells resected from lungs of WT and RelA/p65 deficient mice exposed to smoke or air. Four different samples were analyzed (3 replicates each).
Project description:41 lung adenocarcinoma from never-smokers hybridized on Illumina SNP arrays on 13 HumanCNV370-Quadv3 chips. High-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of lung adenocarcinoma in 41 never smokers for identification of new minimal common regions (MCR) of gain or loss. The SNP array analysis validated copy-number aberrations and revealed that RB1 and WRN were altered by recurrent copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity.The present study has uncovered new aberrations containing cancer genes. The oncogene FUS is a candidate gene in the 16p region that is frequently gained in never smokers. Multiple genetic pathways defined by gains of MYC, deletions of RB1 and WRN or gains on 7p and 7q are involved in lung adenocarcinoma in never smokers. A 'Cartes d'Identite des Tumeurs' (CIT) project from the French National League Against Cancer ( 41 samples hybridized on Illumina SNP arrays. Submitter : Fabien PETEL . Project leader : Pr Pierre FOURET