Project description:In plants, effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is often associated with programmed cell death (PCD). Although the intracellular immune receptors involved in ETI have been studied extensively, how their activation leads to PCD and disease resistance is poorly understood. We found that the Arabidopsis nuclear envelope protein, CPR5 (constitutive expresser of PR genes 5), plays a crucial role in controlling cell fate in response to stress, as the cpr5 mutant exhibits spontaneous cell death and heightened immunity. A genetic screen revealed that the Cip/Kip CKIs (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors), SIM (siamese) and SMR1 (siamese-related 1), are essential for CPR5 signaling, as the sim smr1 double mutant fully suppressed the cpr5 phenotype. More significantly, PCD and ETI are compromised in sim smr1 even with the wild-type CPR5. 10-day-old wild type (Col-0), cpr5, sim smr1 and cpr5 sim smr1. 12 samples total. Replicates are derived from three independent biological experiments. We used microarrays to identify differentially expressed genes. We focused on those genes that were cpr5-altered (>2-fold) and SIM/SMR1-dependent.
Project description:In plants, effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is often associated with programmed cell death (PCD). Although the intracellular immune receptors involved in ETI have been studied extensively, how their activation leads to PCD and disease resistance is poorly understood. We found that the Arabidopsis nuclear envelope protein, CPR5 (constitutive expresser of PR genes 5), plays a crucial role in controlling cell fate in response to stress, as the cpr5 mutant exhibits spontaneous cell death and heightened immunity. A genetic screen revealed that the Cip/Kip CKIs (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors), SIM (siamese) and SMR1 (siamese-related 1), are essential for CPR5 signaling, as the sim smr1 double mutant fully suppressed the cpr5 phenotype. More significantly, PCD and ETI are compromised in sim smr1 even with the wild-type CPR5.
Project description:Identification of early transcriptional responses to CPR5 function loss in Arabidopsis Expression of CPR5 C terminal half efficiently interferes with native CPR5 protein function and causes a dominant negative effect. Four-week-old leaves of Col-0 WT and transgenic Dex:YFP-CPR5-C plant were sprayed with water or 50 uM dexamethasone to induce expression of CPR5-C. Samples were collected at 24 hours after treatment. Three biological replicates were performed per genotype per treatment.
Project description:Expression analysis was performed with two TDNA insertion mutants of taf4b i.e; taf4bprm (TDNA insertion in promoter region) and taf4bint (TDNA insertion in intronic region), Taf4b overexpression lines, taf4bprmcpr5 double mutant lines (Double mutant was generated by crossing taf4bprm with cpr5) and Col-0 in normal condition as well as with taf4bprm mutant and Col-0 infected with fungi AB (Alternaria brassicicola) and bacteria ES4 (Pseudomonas syringae pv.maculicola ES4326 ) in different perspectives. Affymatrix expression analysis was executed to provide mechanistic details of regulation of genes by Taf4b in plants.