Project description:Identification of early transcriptional responses to CPR5 function loss in Arabidopsis Expression of CPR5 C terminal half efficiently interferes with native CPR5 protein function and causes a dominant negative effect. Four-week-old leaves of Col-0 WT and transgenic Dex:YFP-CPR5-C plant were sprayed with water or 50 uM dexamethasone to induce expression of CPR5-C. Samples were collected at 24 hours after treatment. Three biological replicates were performed per genotype per treatment.
Project description:GLABRA3 (GL3) and GLABRA1 (GL1) function as selector genes that control the differentiation of a group of protodermal cells into trichomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. We performed genome-wide location (ChIP-chip) analyses by using transgenic Arabidopsis plants carrying GL3-YFP or GL1-YFP-MYC1 mini genes. These analyses identified statistically significant enriched DNA associated with GL1 and GL3. A total ~540 and ~700 genes were identified as located proximal and downstream to the GL1 and GL3 binding regions, respectively. Keywords: ChIP-chip
Project description:Time course RNA-seq analysis of expression changes upon MLACC expression in Arabidopsis using a dexamethasone-inducible system which mirrors NLR activation
Project description:WOX5 maintains columella stem cells in the Arabidopsis root and prevents their differentiation. In order to understand the molecular mode of WOX5 action the genes differentially expressed by WOX5 inducible over-expression were determined by analysis of microarray hybridizations. Seedlings transformed with a dexamethasone inducible WOX5 construct were induced for one or four hours with dexamethasone or a mock solution. Other seedlings were treated one hour with cycloheximide ( a protein synthesis inhibitor to reduce secondary transcriptional effects after WOX5 activation) and either dexamethasone or a mock solution. Root tips were harvested, RNA extracted, and the RNA samples prepared for hybridization to Affymetrix microarrays. Potential target genes of WOX5 were further analyzed by transcriptional markers, qPCR and EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assay).
Project description:Arabidopsis AP1-GR ap1-1 cal-1 were grown under long-day (16 h light/8 h dark) condition. After bolding (26 DAG), half of the plants were treated with dexamethasone. 31 DAG, the untreated inflorescenes were sampled as t0 and the dexamethasone treated one as t5.
Project description:In plants, effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is often associated with programmed cell death (PCD). Although the intracellular immune receptors involved in ETI have been studied extensively, how their activation leads to PCD and disease resistance is poorly understood. We found that the Arabidopsis nuclear envelope protein, CPR5 (constitutive expresser of PR genes 5), plays a crucial role in controlling cell fate in response to stress, as the cpr5 mutant exhibits spontaneous cell death and heightened immunity. A genetic screen revealed that the Cip/Kip CKIs (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors), SIM (siamese) and SMR1 (siamese-related 1), are essential for CPR5 signaling, as the sim smr1 double mutant fully suppressed the cpr5 phenotype. More significantly, PCD and ETI are compromised in sim smr1 even with the wild-type CPR5.