Project description:Comparison of gene expression changes of FACS sorted splenic CD11b+CD8a- and CD11b-CD8a+ cDC subsets reconstituted in vivo following total body irradiation in combination with exogenous retinoic acid or vehicle control.
Project description:Comparison of gene expression changes of FACS sorted splenic CD11b+CD8a- and CD11b-CD8a+ cDC subsets reconstituted in vivo following total body irradiation in combination with exogenous retinoic acid or vehicle control. Mice maintained on a control diet were subjected to 6 Gy total body irradiation and then provided exogenous retinoic acid or vehicle control beginning on D(+)3 after irradiation. All treated mice also received adoptive T cell transfer of either Trp-1 CD4+ or Pmel-1 CD8+ T cells, rVV, and IL-2. Splenic cDCs were isolated on D(+)10 after total body irradiation by FACS sorting.
Project description:This file contains gene microarray data from bone marrow pre-ul DC, in vitro derived CD103+CD11b+ and CD103+CD11b- cDC with or without retinoic acid. We analyze transcript expression data from bone marrow pre-uDC, Splenic and SI cDC1 and cDC2 (GSE15907 - 18 samples), in vitro derived CD103+CD11b+ and CD103+CD11b- cDC from C57Bl/6 mice. The complete dataset is linked below as a supplementary file.
Project description:Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential regulators of immune responses; however, transcriptional mechanisms establishing DC lineage commitment are poorly defined. Here we report that the PU.1 transcription factor induces specific remodeling of the higher-order chromatin structure at the Interferon Regulatory Factor-8 (Irf8) gene to initiate DC fate choice. Generation of an Irf8 reporter mouse enabled us to pinpoint an initial progenitor stage at which DCs separate from other myeloid lineages in the bone marrow. In the absence of Irf8, this progenitor undergoes DC-to-neutrophil reprogramming, indicating that DC commitment requires an active, Irf8-dependent escape from alternative myeloid lineage potential. Mechanistically, myeloid Irf8 expression depends on high PU.1 levels, resulting in local chromosomal looping and activation of a lineage- and developmental stage-specific cis-enhancer. These data delineate PU.1 as a concentration-dependent rheostat of myeloid lineage selection by controlling long-distance contacts between regulatory elements, and suggest that specific higher-order chromatin remodeling at the Irf8 gene determines DC differentiation. Mature macrophages, Granulocytes and DCs were isolated from wildtype mouse spleens for successive RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. 3 different pools, each consisting of splenic cells from 5 mice were prepared. Cell populations were isolated by flow cytometry. MDPs were isolated from Wildtype and IRF8 deficient bonemarrow by flowcytometry, again creating 3 biological replicates, each consisting of pooled cells from 5 mice. Differential gene expression between wildtype and IRF8 deficient MDPs was subgrouped into macrophage, granuloctic and DC signatures, derived from expression data of these cell populations.
Project description:Study of the emergence of the rare 2C like cell population upon Retinoic Acid treatment. Transcriptionally characterise the different cell populations emerging at different timepoints upon Retinoic Acid treatment and identify genes driving cell fate decisions.