Project description:The human commensal and opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans can switch between two distinct, heritable cell types, named “white” and “opaque,” which differ in morphology, mating abilities, metabolic preferences, and in their interactions with the host immune system. Previous studies revealed a highly interconnected group of transcriptional regulators that control switching between the two cell types. Here, we identify Ssn6, the C. albicans functional homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae transcriptional co-repressor Cyc8, as a new regulator of white-opaque switching. In a or α mating type strains, deletion of SSN6 results in mass switching from the white to the opaque cell type. Transcriptional profiling of ssn6 deletion mutant strains reveals that Ssn6 represses part of the opaque cell transcriptional program in white cells and the majority of the white cell transcriptional program in opaque cells. Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that Ssn6 is tightly integrated into the opaque cell regulatory circuit and that the positions to which it is bound across the genome strongly overlap with those bound by Wor1 and Wor2, previously identified regulators of white-opaque switching. This work reveals the next layer in the white-opaque transcriptional circuitry by integrating a transcriptional regulator that does not bind DNA directly but instead associates with specific combinations of DNA-bound transcriptional regulators.
Project description:The human pathogen Candida albicans can assume either of two distinct cell types, designated ‘‘white’’ and ‘‘opaque.’’ Each cell type is maintained for many generations; switching between them is rare and stochastic, and occurs without any known changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genome. The two cell types differ dramatically in cell shape, colony appearance, mating competence, and virulence properties. In this work, we investigate the transcriptional circuitry that specifies the two cell types and controls the switching between them. First, we identify two new transcriptional regulators of white-opaque switching, Czf1 and white-opaque regulator 2 (Wor2). Analysis of a large set of double mutants and ectopic expression strains revealed genetic relationships between CZF1, WOR2, and two previously identified regulators of white-opaque switching, WOR1 and EFG1. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we show that Wor1 binds the intergenic regions upstream of the genes encoding three additional transcriptional regulators of white-opaque switching (CZF1, EFG1, and WOR2), and also occupies the promoters of numerous white- and opaque-enriched genes. Based on these interactions, we have placed these four genes in a circuit controlling white-opaque switching whose topology is a network of positive feedback loops, with the master regulator gene WOR1 occupying a central position. Our observations indicate that a key role of the interlocking feedback loop network is to stably maintain each epigenetic state through many cell divisions. Keywords: ChIP-chip
Project description:As a successful commensal and pathogen of humans, Candida albicans encounters a wide range of environmental changes. Among them, ambient pH is an important factor, which changes frequently and affects many biological processes in this species. The ability to adapt to pH changes is tightly linked with pathogenesis and morphogenesis. In this study, we report that pH has a profound effect on white-opaque switching and sexual mating in C. albicans. Acidic pHs promote white-to-opaque switching but repress sexual mating of opaque cells. The cAMP signaling and Rim101-mediated pH sensing pathways are involved in the regulation of pH-regulated white-opaque switching. Interestingly, white and opaque cells of the cyr1/cyr1 mutant, which is defective in producing cAMP, show distinct growth defects under acidic and alkaline conditions. Phr2 could play a major role in acidic pHs-induced opaque cell formation. We further discover that acidic pH conditions repress sexual mating due to the failure of activation of the Ste2-mediated a-pheromone response pathway. The effects of pH changes on phenotypic switching and sexual mating could be a balance behavior between host adaptation and sexual reproduction.
Project description:The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans can switch between two phenotypic cell types, termed “white” and “opaque.” Both cell types are heritable for many generations, and the switch between the two types occurs epigenetically, that is, without a change in the DNA sequence of the genome. In this work we describe that SSN6, the C. albicans functional homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cyc8, is a regulator of the white-opaque switch. Chromatin IP's were performed using the protocol described by Hernday et al (Methods Enzymol. 2010;470:737-58. ). Briefly, log phase cultures were crosslinked with formaldehyde prior to cell lysis, chromatin shearing, and transcription-factor immunoprecipitation. Recovered DNA was amplified, dye-coupled, and competitively hybridized to a 244k-probe tiling array with a non-enriched genomic DNA reference.
Project description:Modes of sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms are highly diversified. The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans undergoes a phenotypic switch from the white to the opaque phase in order to become mating-competent. In this study, we report that functionally and morphologically differentiated white and opaque cells show a coordinating behavior in the process of mating. Although white cells are mating-incompetent, they are induced to produce sexual pheromones when treated with opposite pheromones or interacted with opaque cells of an opposite mating type. In a co-culture system, pheromones released by white cells induce opaque cells to form mating projections and thus facilitate both opposite- and same-sex mating of opaque cells. Deletion of genes encoding the pheromone precursor proteins and inactivation of the pheromone response signaling pathway (Ste2-MAPK-Cph1) impair the promoting role of white cells (MTLa) in sexual mating of opaque cells. White and opaque cells communicate via a paracrine pheromone signaling and thus create an environment conducive to sexual mating. This coordination behavior of the two different cell types may be a trade-off strategy between sexual and asexual lifestyles in C. albicans.
Project description:C. albicans white, opaque and white engineered cells were incubated on Spider medium for 8 hours. Crosses were between a and alpha cells of each phenotype, and a white cells alone or a opaque cells alone were also incubated as controls. White cells are no
Project description:The goal of this study is to characterize the transcriptional regulatory network that controls white-opaque cell-type switching in Candida albicans. This dataset includes microarrays comparing expression levels in wild-type white and opaque cell types, as well as 6 different transcription factor deletion strains. All samples were hybridized against a common mixed reference to allow for comparison between any two datasets within this study.
Project description:Modes of sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms are highly diversified. The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans undergoes a phenotypic switch from the white to the opaque phase in order to become mating-competent. In this study, we report that functionally and morphologically differentiated white and opaque cells show a coordinating behavior in the process of mating. Although white cells are mating-incompetent, they are induced to produce sexual pheromones when treated with opposite pheromones or interacted with opaque cells of an opposite mating type. In a co-culture system, pheromones released by white cells induce opaque cells to form mating projections and thus facilitate both opposite- and same-sex mating of opaque cells. Deletion of genes encoding the pheromone precursor proteins and inactivation of the pheromone response signaling pathway (Ste2-MAPK-Cph1) impair the promoting role of white cells (MTLa) in sexual mating of opaque cells. White and opaque cells communicate via a paracrine pheromone signaling and thus create an environment conducive to sexual mating. This coordination behavior of the two different cell types may be a trade-off strategy between sexual and asexual lifestyles in C. albicans. total RNA profiles of white cell treated with pheromone
Project description:The goal of this study is to characterize the transcriptional regulatory network that controls white-opaque cell-type switching in Candida albicans. This dataset includes microarrays comparing expression levels in wild-type white and opaque cell types, as well as 6 different transcription factor deletion strains. All samples were hybridized against a common mixed reference to allow for comparison between any two datasets within this study. Gene expression arrays were performed on wild-type and transcription factor deletion white and opaque a/a cell types . High and low intensity scans were performed. Background and saturated spots were filtered out, as indicated by null. Data from each scan was normalized by lowess normalization to enable transformation across any pair of datasets. All data presented are log2 ratios of Cy5/Cy3 Each sample was hybridized against a mixed reference sample to allow for transformation between any of the individual samples (white vs. opaque, wild-type vs. mutant)
Project description:In Candida albicans, the a1-alpha2 complex represses white-opaque switching as well as mating. A ChIP-chip strategy was, therefore, used to screen for genes with a1-alpha2 binding sites and expression patterns consistent with a master switch gene (MSG). Of 51 genes identified with an a1-alpha2 binding site, one gene, TOS9, also referred to as EAP2, exhibited an expression pattern consistent with a MSG. TOS9 is expressed in opaque, not white a/a and alpha/alpha cells and Tos9p localizes to the opaque cell nucleus. Deletion of TOS9 blocks cells in the white phase, and misexpression in the white phase of the parent tos9+/tos9+ strain results in mass conversion to opaque. Expression of TOS9 under control of a MET promoter rescues the TOS9 null mutant tos9-/tos9- phenotype. Temperature-induced mass conversion of opaque to white in the parent strain results in the immediate cessation of TOS9 transcription, and loss of Tos9p prior to the point of commitment to white (the switch event), which occurs at the time of the second cell doubling. Misexpression of TOS9, as well as inhibition of the second round of DNA replication inhibits the temperature-induced switch from opaque to white. Based on these observations, a model is developed for the regulation and role of TOS9 in switching. Keywords: ChIP chip